Today I will teach
about the role and the purpose of the human body. The human body is
translated as the flesh in other versions of the Holy Bible. Foremost,
understand that God created the human body from the dust (clay,
earth, mud, ashes, dust, earth, ground, morter, powder, rubbish) of
the ground (soil, earth).
This should make you
humble in the first place because the body will return to the earth. Apart from
the body returning to the earth, there is a greater purpose for the body. I
will enumerate a few roles and the purpose of the human flesh.
Our bodies will be perfected when
we reunite with Jesus Christ. (See 1 Corinthians 15:51-54). Get
my book entitled “How to Walk and Live in the Spirit” for
a deeper revelation about the human flesh or body.
Remember Jesus said to
Peter, “Flesh and blood did not reveal who He (Jesus Christ) was but
the spirit of the Lord,” so our flesh can also speak to us. I will
enumerate a few roles and the purpose of the flesh to you. (See
Matthew 16:17).
God created man's body to connect with the physical things on
this earth because our spirit cannot hold and touch physical things.
2. God
created our body to manage the creation of God.
3. God
created our body to control the creation of God. For example, we have to take
care of plants and some domestic animals.
4. God
created Our body to bring forth growth and increase as a man and a woman
connects in marriage to bear children.
5. God created
our body to enable us to multiply and enlarge whatever God has created.
6. God created
our body to enable us to take charge of whatever God has created.
7. God
created our body to enable us to nourish what God has created.
8. God
created our body because He wanted us to fill the earth.
9. God
created our body to enable us to depend on Him.
10. God created
our body to enable us to conquer the works of the enemy.
11. God created our
body to enable us to violate the lawlessness nature of the other creation.
12. God created our
body to enable us to tread down every form of injustice.
13. God created our body
to enable us to subdue and bring it into subjection.
14. God created the
body because He wanted us to exercise our free will.
15. God created our
body because He wanted us to understand His attributes.
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