Prov 20:27 The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.
Most Christians are
confused about the teachings of the human spirit, the Holy Spirit and the
human soul. In this short teaching, I will dig deeper into the teachings of the
human spirit. The first thing we must understand about God is that He is a
spirit and created us in His image and likeness. (See John 4:24).
If God is a Spirit and
created us in His image (resemblance) and after His likeness (model, shape
and similitude), we are also spirit beings. After God created man's
body with the dust of the earth, He breathed the breath of life into man.
When God's breath entered
man's lifeless body, it created a spirit within man and made the soul and body
of man active. (Meditate on Genesis 2:7). The Holy Spirit
empowered the creation of the human spirit because He has eternal life within
Himself. Every living thing, including Satan and his minions, derives life from
the Holy Spirit.
This shows how
loving our God is. Without the Holy Spirit, the spirit of a man will cease
to function. God created the human spirit for a specific reason, and in these
short teachings, I will give you some reasons.
Get my book
entitled “How to Walk and Live in the Spirit” for more
revelation. God created the spirit of man to enable the Holy Spirit
to communicate with us.
1. The
Holy Spirit created our spirit to give us access to the spiritual realm.
2. God
created the spirit of man to enable us to connect with the angelic beings in
the realms of the spirit. Some people connect their spirit with an evil spirit.
3. God
created the spirit of man to enable us to stand before His Holiness because our
sinful nature cannot withstand His Holiness.
4. The
Holy Spirit created our spirit to enable us to receive inspiration,
illumination and revelation from the Holy Spirit.
5. God
created the spirit of man to enable us to connect with the Trinity.
6. The
Holy Spirit created our spirit to enable the Holy Spirit to have access to our
soul (thoughts and imaginations). For example, our
physical eyes cannot see during the day without the sun.
The Holy Spirit access
our thoughts and actions through our spirit. God said to Abraham through the
voice of an angel when Abraham was about to sacrifice his only son Isaac to
Him. The angel said, “NOW I KNOW THAT FEARETH GOD.” (See Genesis
This is what David said, “Psalm
119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” So,
without the Word of God, we cannot know the true path of the Lord. The
Word lets us see the righteousness and the evil in this world, making us
cautious of our life in the Lord.
This is how the Holy
Spirit access our thoughts and actions through our spirit. Without the Word,
there is no lamp, so without our spirit, the Holy Spirit cannot access our
thoughts, actions and motives.
7. The
Holy Spirit transferred life to the soul and the body through our spirit.
Meditate on this scripture “Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man
of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath
of life; and man became a living soul.”
8. The
Holy Spirit created our spirit to enable us to understand the Word of God as
the Holy Spirit understands.
(Further Bible Studies: Zechariah 12:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Hebrews 4:12-13, Psalm 32:2, 1 Corinthians 12:12-16).
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