John 21:15 So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.
John 21:16 He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
John 21:17 He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
Love is a strong force that emanates from different channels (looks, fame, wealth, sympathy, romance, fun, lust, acceptance, needs and wants). It can emanate from the spirit of man. It can emanate from the soul of man and it can emanate from the flesh of man. The true love of God emanates from a sanctified spirit. This love is dominated by the Holy Spirit. The soulish love emanates from the feelings and desires of man. This love is temporal and self-centred. It searches for reasons before it can manifest. The fleshy love is controlled by the cravings of the body. This love can be manipulative and deceptive.
The unbelievers operate in the fleshy love most often because they are controlled by the desires of the flesh. Most people describe this love as carnal love. This love creates a bridge between the spirit and the soul of man and allows the fruit of the flesh (See Galatians 5:19-21) to dominate the fruit of the Spirit (See Galatians 5:22). The soulish love is driven by the passions of the world and the benefits attached to it. For example, married couples engaging in a sexual act is a combination of the soulish and fleshly love. This love creates a strong soul tie in the metaphysical realm because the soul is the strongest in the realms of emotions whiles the spirit is the strongest in the realm of Spirit. The body is the strongest in the physical realm.
To walk in the love of God, the consciousness of the soul must be submissive to the Word of God because the soul desires to walk in realms of compassion and reasoning all the time. This can be deceptive because men can be manipulative. You need the gift of discernment, the sweet influence of the Holy Spirit ( Get Bishop Dag Heward Mills book entitled "Sweet Influences of the Anointing." The question is, how do we exhibit the love of Jesus Christ because that is the greatest commandment of God ( See Matthew 22:34-37).
Apostle Peter once exhibited thesoulish love when he declared he would never forsake Jesus Christ. Peter denied Jesus Christ three times because he operated in the soulish love (See Matthew 26:69-75). To exhibit the love of Jesus Christ, there are sacrifices we must make before this love can manifest. I will share a few points on how to exhibit the love of Jesus Christ.
Apostle Peter once exhibited the
- Embarking on the great commission (becoming a soul winner).
- Interceding for Christians, the leadership of various organizations and for the unbelievers.
- Feeding the world with the Word.
- Establishing the baby Christians to become strong Christians.
- Visiting and encouraging baby Christians in the faith.
- Supporting others especially the Christians financially, spiritually and emotionally.
- Sacrificing your comfort to improve others in their salvation (resigning from the job and becoming a full minister of God, missionary work).
- Creating a personal fellowship with the Holy Spirit through spiritual songs, Word and prayer.
Jesus Christ was telling Peter to feed the sheep and lamb. The sheep and lamb are symbols of the Christians. Some Christians need supervision because of the pleasures of sin and greediness of material possession. The sheep and lamb need strong Christians who can stand in the gap (radical intercession and preaching of God's Word and consistent follow up on new converts). The sheep’s live by the mercies of the wicked wolves (unbelievers). You need to be strong in prayers, holiness and in the Word to protect the weak and baby Christians. This is the love of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is calling you to separate yourself from the world (comfort zone, association, neighbours and family). If you love Jesus Christ, you must sacrifice and search for the lost sheep's and stubborn goats and bring them to the alter of God. The opposition will feature itself but stay strong in the Lord by putting on the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). Apostle Peter left his family and loved ones because of the love of Jesus Christ (See Matthew 10:28-31).
The wealthiest Christians in the time of the Apostles used their money, sold their properties to enable them to invest in the kingdom blessings because they loved God (Study the book of Acts chapter one to chapter five). Some sacrificed their time, strength, and wisdom gained from various institutions to help build the Kingdom of God. What about you? You can also be a blessing to the church. Sacrifice what you have for the Kingdom of God and you will reap at the right time. Allow the Holy Spirit to control the affairs of the Church by placing Christians who are full of the Spirit and faith into the leadership position because He is the controller (See Acts 6:1-5).
Don’t allow the unbelievers to discourage you from exhibiting the love of God. Money is not the only way of supporting the kingdom of God if you don’t have money. There are gifts and talents in you. You can sing, pray, teach, organize, lead, inspire, market, preach, and maintain the house the church. There is something in you that nobody has. This is your potential. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you your purpose in life, Search the Word, Read Christian books connected to the Word and other books that can sharpen your talents, gifts and visions God has invested into you. Remember, God created you in His image and likeness therefore never look down upon yourself.
Divine Key: Engage, support and inspire the Church to activate the love and blessings of Jesus Christ.
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