AND AT MIDNIGHT PAUL AND SILAS PRAYED, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed.
16:25-26 KJV
Midnight is the hour of
an intense battle between the host of darkness and the host of light. This is a
time of warfare and prayer. Christians must use this hour to make decrees and
Word declarations. Most patients in the hospital die at this hour. The human
agents of Satan (Occult, Illuminati, witches, necromancers,
sorcerers, magicians, astrologers, and other demonic entities) use
this hour to cause disaster.
They make incantations
and cast spells on innocent souls. They use this hour to sacrifice to
their gods. The witches and wizards use this hour to embark on their wicked agenda. They
plant the seed of marriage divorce, road accidents, sickness, natural
disasters, conflict in communities, premature death, and grave evil. It is
a time of great wickedness because Satan rules in the darkness. The devil
receives his strength from sin because it empowers him (See Matthew
It is recorded that
prostitutes, gays, lesbians, and womanizers operate effectively at this hour
because this is the hour of productivity in the demonic kingdom. The elemental
spirits roam at this hour with great wrath. The marine spirit moves with great
anger at this hour. The powers of the air and the principalities use this hour
to strike their opponents.
Satanists use this hour
to sacrifice to Satan and demons because it is a time of great wickedness. Most
Christians are ignorant of this hour because they are carnal. You can meditate
on Psalm ninety-one for more revelations. In Ghana, we hear strange dogs at
this hour. The sound of these dogs sounds weird because it looks like the voice
of human beings. The word of God emphasizes that we should not be ignorant of the devices
of the enemy least he takes advantage over us (See 2 Corinthians
Get my book
entitled “Visions of the Night” for a more profound
revelation. Paul and Silas knew about midnight. They use the midnight hour to
engage the spiritual forces. Why didn’t they pray and sing in the afternoon or
in the morning, but they prayed at the midnight hour?
This should make you
understand that they knew something we did not know. If Paul and Silas prayed
and sang at midnight, then who are we to reject midnight prayers and worship.
Why is it recorded in the
book of Psalms chapter one hundred and nineteen verses sixty-two? Let’s read.
TO GIVE THANKS UNTO THEE because of thy righteous judgments.
Psalm 119:62
There is a secret behind
midnight prayers and adoration. When Paul and Silas prayed and sung unto the
Lord, in the middle of the night, the earth responded. Do you know that the
earth is a secret weapon in spiritual warfare? (See Jeremiah
22:20-30). Command the earth in your warfare prayer, and you will
see the difference. The foundations of the prison shook because Paul and Silas
activated the elements of the earth to defend them in their prayers.
Their praises and prayers
provoked the elements of God. Jehoshaphat, the leader of Judah, applied the key
of praise, and the Moabites and Ammonites fell. Joshua and the Israelites used
the key of praise, and the walls of Jericho fell flat to the ground. Midnight
is one of the secret weapons of the believer. It is a time of prayer and
If you want a quick
breakthrough, use the midnight. I love praying at midnight because it is a
prophetic hour of prayer. This is the hour of declarations. It is the hour to
counter-attack the enemy. The elements of God (earth, water, fire,
and wind) moves into action when we use the midnight key in
spiritual warfare.
Get my series of books for a more profound revelation.
Connect with my message on the midnight hour
Divine Key: Build a prayer life at the midnight hour, and you will see the miracles of God
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