- Connecting with godly Christians will make you a devout Christian.
- Connecting with carnal Christians will make you a carnal Christian.
- Connecting with soulish Christians will make you a soulish Christian.
- Connecting with prayerful Christians will make you a prayerful Christian.
- Connecting with lukewarm Christians will make you a lukewarm Christian.
- Connecting with spirit gifted Christians will sharpen your spiritual gifts.
- Connecting with sanctified Christians will empower you to walk in holiness.
- Connecting with Christians full of the Holy Ghost will enhance your charisma.
- Connecting with Spirit-filled Christians will enhance the fruits of the Holy Spirit in your life.
- Connecting with evangelistic Christians will stir the seed of the evangelism in your Christian life. This will make you enjoy the anointing of the evangelist.
- Connecting with prophetic Christians will enhance the gift of prophecies, the word of wisdom, and word of knowledge in your Christian life.
- Connecting with religious Christians will empower religious spirits to dominate your heart.
- Connecting with nominal Christians will limit your spiritual walk with the Holy Spirit.
- Helping nominal and baby Christians help you become a strong Christian.
- Connecting with worldly-minded Christians will make you lose focus in your spiritual life.
- Connecting with Christians who are full of love will sharpen the fruit of love within your spirit.
- Connecting with Christians who are full of joy will sharpen the fruit of joy within your spirit.
- Connecting with Christians who are full of faith will increase the spirit of faith within your heart.
Meditate on this scripture
Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
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