2 Chronicles
26:3 Sixteen years old was
Uzziah when he began to reign , and he reigned fifty and two years in Jerusalem.
His mother's name also was
Jecoliah of Jerusalem.
2 Chronicles
26:4 And he did that which was
right in the sight of the LORD , according to all that his father Amaziah did.
2 Chronicles
26:5 And he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the
visions of God: and as long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper.
The people of Judah appointed Uzziah the son of Amaziah to the kingship throne when his father died.
They recorded in the scriptures that Uzziah was sixteen when he was enthroned
as a King. God blessed and prospered Uzziah because he applied some secret
keys. This is the keys I want to share with you.
scripture records that Uzziah did what was right in the sight of God, so if you
want to activate the blessings of God, you must walk in steps of the Word. The
word of God must be your guiding principles in life. Jesus said in the book of
Matthew chapter six verses number thirty-three that “We should seek the kingdom first and walked in the kingdom
righteousness and He will add all that we need in life.”
activate the blessings of God, you must think about the welfare of the church before
any other thing. Ask yourself, the job I am about to involve myself in,
will it glorify Jesus Christ? How will that affect your Christian life? I know
some Christians who sacrifice their Christian life for a job. They have no time
for the church yet they ask God for blessings. We must think about the
salvation of others.
Uzziah, he did what was right in the sight of God and by his deeds, God
prospered him. Doing the work of God from your heart activates the blessing of
God. God knows the thoughts behind our actions. If you are working for the
church because you want a favour from your pastors, God will not bless you
because He knows your thoughts. He understands all your actions. God knows
whether you are serving Him from your heart or you just want something from
Him. There are many Christians who are not receiving from God because their
heart is not right with God. Remember, God looks at our heart (motive behind our actions, SEE 1 SAMUEL 16:7) .
righteously in the sight of God and you want to activate the blessings of God. If
you can intercede for the church, do it from your heart. If you play the instrument,
do it from your heart. If you can sing, join the choir. If you can organize and
help in the church's arrangement properties, do it from the heart.
Whatever you can do to support the church, do it from your heart. At the right
time, you will reap the harvest. When I was serving the leadership of Deeper Life Bible Church and the Lighthouse Chapel Church, I sacrificed my time, energy and
resource to help raise the church.
believe this is one of the reasons God is blessing me with wisdom and
knowledge. Some Christians may gossip and speak evil against you. Do not
concentrate on their destructive words. Do the work of God from your heart with
a mindset you are doing it unto the Lord not unto man. This will activate
the blessings of God in your life. You may not see the benefit now but keep up
with the good works and I promise you God will visit you at the appointed time.
scripture further states that Uzziah sought the Lord, and he could
understand the visions of God. How did Uzziah seek the Lord? He waited (humbled himself and fasted) on the Lord
for direction. Sometimes we have to wait on the Lord for direction because our
ways and our thoughts differ from God’s thought (See Isaiah 55:8-9). What you think might be right may be wrong
in the sight of God.
There are times you have to fast and pray because fasting
and prayer is a weapon in the spiritual realm. We
need the direction of God for our lives. When you hear the voice of the Holy
Spirit, you receive a blessing because His directions lead to blessings. Sometimes, there would be trials and persecutions from the unbelievers, friends and
families. This is the time you have to strengthen yourself in the Lord.
did things which triggered God to prosper him and gave him power over his
enemies. He did what was right in the sight of God. He sought the face of God
for direction. He humbled himself in the sight of God and God blessed him in
all his ways. Humility without the fear (reverence)
of God will not activate the blessings of God. The fear (reverence) of God without humility will prolong the blessings of
Key: Humility and the fear of God activates the blesses of God.
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