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Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

In this article, I will briefly give you some keys you can use to determine a matured Christian. Christianity is not about age or colour. Real Christianity emanates from the heart of the person and shows up from the body. The experience of the Christian is a bonus that adds up to the maturity of the Christian.  A Christian can be twenty years of age and still be older than a seventy-year-old Christian because maturity is measured by the capacity of the person's spirit.

Christianity is a life of the Spirit because the ultimate shepherd is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the guide to every believer. We must not exalt experience above the Word because the Word is unbreakable. The Word is above our experiences of life. Life experience may show us some aspects of God (ways and acts)

When the Word is active in your spirit, you always know of the Holy Spirit and when you are conscious of the Spirit; you create a connection with the Trinity. These are some keys you can use to determine if a Christian is matured.
  • Matured Christians know when and how to pray.
  • Matured Christians know how to relate to the Holy Spirit.
  • Matured Christians have a covenant with God.
  • Matured Christians are ready to die for their faith
  • Matured walks with the Spirit of Faith.
  • Matured Christians can conquer the insults and the accusations of the enemy with their spirit because when someone insults you, it is your soul (feelings, desires, and emotions) aspect that responds. A matured Christian will silent the actions of the soul by walking in the Spirit. (Get my book "How to Walk and Live in the Spirit" for a more profound revelation)
  • Matured Christians are not self-seeking.
  • Matured Christians do not pull down potential and anointed Christians who are more blessed than they are.
  • Matured Christians do not gossip or backbite other Christians.
  • Matured Christians are always happy when they see others progressing.
  • Matured Christians can discern fake and hypocritical Christians easily.
  • Matured Christians are not quick to condemn and judge others.
  • Matured Christians know how to deal with enemies.
  • Matured Christians connect with other Christians easily.
  • Matured Christians are open to new ideas compatible with the scriptures.
  • Matured Christians reverence every minister of God.
  • Matured Christians know how and when to talk.
  • Matured Christians have crucified the desires of the flesh and the affections of the world.
  • Matured Christians love God with all their heart, strength, and body.
  • Matured Christians exhibit the love of God.
  • Matured Christians recognize their mistakes and repent quickly.
( Further Bible Studies: Galatians 5:22-23, Romans chapter eight)

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