2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight
Most Christians misinterpret suspicion as discernment. The scripture records that Christians are to walk with the mindset of faith. The question is, why is Apostle Paul commanding us to with the mindset of faith? It is because we can please God by our faith in His Word (See Hebrews 11:6).
The unbelievers walk by what they see. Until they see, they will never believe. Christians are to use their sixth sense. This sense surpasses our five senses (vision, feeling, hearing, touch, and the smell). To walk by faith is to believe what the Holy Spirit is telling you through your inner spirit.
Most often, people are quick to judge. These people walk by what they see. They allow the desires of the flesh and the desire of the soul to control their actions. One of the dangerous weapons the enemy uses against Christians is when they ignore and allow only their feelings to control their decisions. It is good to show compassion for the needy, but you must understand that your feelings can deceive you if it is not mixed with the heart of faith.
Men and women can masquerade. Therefore, we are called to walk and live in the Spirit. Get my book entitled "How to Walk and Live in the Spirit" for a more profound revelation. We must be led by what the Holy Spirit is telling us not by our feelings. The question is, how do you discern the voice of the Holy Spirit. It is simple and straightforward, there must be a sense of inner peace and conviction within your heart. Another key to help you discern the voice of the Holy Spirit is to verify with the written Word or the Word in your heart.
Any Word that contradicts the Word of God is not from the Holy Spirit because the Word and the Spirit always agree (See 1 John 5:7-8). Suspicious people most often are carnal, legalistic, and religious Christians. These Christians look at the fact to judge the matter. Most often, suspicious people do not have a prayer life. They lack the Word in their spirit. They allow the voice of the flesh, the voice of the soul, the voice of the enemy and the voice of the public to dominate their heart and mind when they are making a judgment.
Divine Key: Transform your mind with the Word to avoid suspicion.
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