Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
In every organization, the chief executive officer is the ultimate determinant of every decision that takes place. The manager, accountant, marketers, and suppliers fall under the authority of the Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer has the power and the authority to employ a new worker, and he has the power to fire any worker.
When you come to government policies, it is only the President who has the prerogative to free a prisoner at his will. The Judge may have sentenced the prisoner to life imprisonment. The President can use his veto power to free the prisoner who was sentenced to life imprisonment.
I gave this short example to enable you to understand what I am about to teach. Power is in different dimensions. We have intellectual power, spiritual power, experiential power, delegated power, physical power, emotional power, sexual power, and many types of power which I cannot mention and explain them here.
In this article, I will share with you, spiritual power because God has delegated His power to His children. Imagine the Chief Executive Officer in your organization appoints you as the general manager. What will you do if you are the new manager in the organization?
Every believer in Christ Jesus has power over every spiritual force because Jesus Christ defeated all the powers of the enemy through His death and resurrection. This power lives in the heart of every Christian, and it is the responsibility of the Christian to exercise this power in the name of Jesus Christ.
The name of Jesus Christ is above every other name. Whether they are demons, occult, witches, dwarfs, and elemental spirits. Every Christian is seated together with Christ Jesus in the Heavenly realm; therefore, you have power over every force of darkness (See Ephesians 1:16-23, 1 John 4:4).
- Demons have no power over you because the power (Jesus Christ) lies in you!
- Witches have no power over you because the power (Jesus Christ) lies in you!
- Marine spirits have no power over you because Jesus Christ lives in you!
- The occult has no power over you because Jesus Christ lives in you!
- The altars in your family have no power over you because Jesus Christ lives in you!
- Curses have no power over you because Jesus Christ lives in you, and He has redeemed you from the curse of the law!
- No enemy has power over you because Jesus Christ lives in you!
- The spirit of lust has no power over you because Jesus Christ lives in you!
- The demigods in your community have no power over you because Jesus Christ lives in you!
- The evil traditional priest has no power over you because Jesus Christ lives in you!
Don’t limit yourself by the works of the enemy. Enforce the Word of God by declaring the promises of God over your life. Live by faith! Believe the Word of God for yourself and daily confess that Greater is He that lives in you than the one that lives on this planet. Do not be afraid of the one that can only kill the body but cannot kill the inner man.
Divine Key: Remember, the power lies in your tongue!
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