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Image result for justice of God, Image result for god is not respecter of persons. understanding the true nature of God. The sovereignty of God. How God deals with mankind.

Romans 2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God.

We live in a world where people treat the poor, and the illiterate like rags whereas the Word states, “GOD CREATED MAN IN HIS IMAGE AND AFTER HIS LIKENESS.”  (See Genesis 1:26). So every human being is important to God. God did not create some men or women in His image and after His likeness. 

The Word says, “GOD CREATED MANKIND IN HIS IMAGE AND AFTER LIKENESS.” Why should some Christian leaders disregard the poor and the illiterate because they don’t have money to support the ministry of God?

Apostle Peter and John were illiterate. When the Holy Ghost came upon them, the people took notice of them (See Acts 4:13). The people saw these illiterate Apostles as powerful and anointed vessels because they were full of the anointing. It is time Christians stop the discrimination in the body of Christ because the Word will be the source of judgment for every man's work on the judgment day.

  • The fact that the person has his PhD in “this and that” does not mean that the person is qualified for the ministry of God. 
  • The fact that the person is rich does not mean that the person is qualified for the ministry of God.
  • The fact that the person is poor does not mean that the person is qualified for the ministry of God.
  • The fact that the person has political connections does not mean that the person is qualified for the ministry of God.
  • The fact that the person is the son or the daughter of the pastor does not mean the person is qualified for the ministry of God.
  • The fact that the person is choleric does not mean that the person is qualified for the ministry of God.
  • The fact that the person is melancholic does not mean that the person is qualified for the ministry of God.
  • The fact that the person is a sanguine does not mean that the person is qualified for the ministry of God.
  • The fact that the person is a phlegmatic does not mean that the person is qualified for the ministry of God. 
  • The fact that the person is humble does not mean that the person is qualified for the ministry of God.
  • The fact that the person is poor does not mean God hates the person.
  • The fact that the person can sing does not mean that the person is qualified for the ministry of God.
  • The fact that the person is poor and hopeless does not mean that you should not preach to the person because: "A soul is a soul and they are precious to God." A Song sang by Aida on YouTube 

This must be an important aspect of the issue.
  • The first question is, does the person has a desire to serve the Lord and His church.
  •  Is the person called into the ministry of God?
  • Is the person full of faith and good report?
  • Is the person willing to deny himself (sacrifice the pleasures of family and loves ones)?
  • Is the person willing to follow Christ Jesus no matter the cost?
These and other important questions must be answered before we consider the person to serve in the house of God. By the grace of God, I have had the opportunity in serving in the leadership of some churches. In my time of leadership in the church, I realize that even within the church, some Christians were not willing to serve the church. Sometimes I have to teach them and explain to them why they should evangelize, why they should pray, why they should develop their quiet time.

These and many other questions linger in the minds of these people, yet they call themselves Christians. Sometimes when I call my people for evangelism, most of them do not want to come whiles others give excuses. I have to explain to them the benefits of evangelism.

The time is now; we must change our method in dealing with the body of Christ because it breeding religious unbelievers in the church. Most of the people leading the church are not born again. How do you expect the followers to be born again if the leaders of the church are not born again? Most members of the church leaders are not born again because the angel of the church ignores the called and the anointed Christians in the church. They choose people who are financially sound and spiritually poor.

I am not against the rich supporting the church financially; I am speaking from the biblical perspective. We must not ignore those God has called and chosen to do the work. We don’t have to look down upon the poor and exalt the rich. Any minister of God who appoints unbelievers to operate in the church's leadership is not born again because God will never do that in His Church. It is only unbelievers who behave in that way.

Further Bible Studies: James 2:1-9, Ephesians 6:9, 1 Timothy 5:21, Acts 6:3-5

Get this powerful leadership message by Bishop Williams F. Kumuyi: Leaders Development.

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