- Spiritual maturity is measured by your willingness to improve your character flaws.
- Spiritual maturity is measured by your willingness to improve your emotional strength.
- Spiritual maturity is measured by the love you have for the Lord and the Church.
- Spiritual maturity is measured by the love you have for spiritual things.
- Spiritual maturity is measured by how deep you want to be with the Lord.
- Spiritual maturity is when you are ready to lose everything for the sake of Heaven.
- Spiritual maturity is when you preach you what you practice.
- Spiritual maturity is measured by how the Word has transformed your heart and personality.
- Spiritual maturity is measured by the condition of the heart.
- Spiritual maturity is measured by your closeness with the Holy Spirit
- Spiritual maturity is measured by the ability to accept corrections.
- Spiritual maturity is measured by your willingness to discern and accept your mistakes.
- Spiritual maturity is when you accept that you don't know everything.
- Spiritual maturity is when you are willing to learn from others.
- Spiritual maturity is measured by how the Word changes you as you are studying it.
- Spiritual maturity is when you can discern and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit.
- Spiritual maturity is measured by your consistent fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
Further Bible Studies: James 3:2, Psalm 51, Luke 9:23-27, 1 Corinthians 9:18-21
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