2 Corinthians 5:20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Sin did not emanate from God Almighty. Sin existed with God in the beginning. Evil surrounded God in the beginning, and before God could create, He had to defeat Sin. Sin is a spiritual force that limits God and His creation from advancing. Sin created a barrier between God and us.
One of the root causes of sin is our willful desire to operate outside God’s will. Get my books entitled “How to Walk and Live in the Spirit” and “Spiritual Keys for Life” for a more profound revelation on sin. Sin activates when we act outside the will and the plans of God. Nothing can separate us from God except sin. Sin makes us independent of God’s love and makes us dependent on our strength. This is one of the reasons Satan fell from his throne.
Sin did not originate from God; Sin has no beginning, but it has an end because an ultimate force defeated sin in the beginning. Before the beginning began, sin was limiting God from operating. God fought with sin because He wanted to expand Himself in another vessel.
Sin was at peace with God until God decided to create (See Psalm 18:11, 97:2). The moment God created, sin retaliated (Meditate John 1:5). Sin fought God with all his might, but he could not defeat the power of God. The Spirit of God overthrew Satan from his throne because God defeated him. Sin remained inactive until Satan activated sin by his willful desire.
Sin did not tempt Satan, but Satan went outside God’s plan because he had his own will. When Satan went outside, God’s will, Satan encountered sin. Satan enquired from sin how he could defeat God. The moment Satan enquired from sin. Sin dominated the will of Satan. Satan could not overcome sin because sin was powerful than him.
God Almighty was the only spiritual force who defeated sin before the beginning began. Sin has now dominated Satan and Satan has no option than to rebel. Sin produced pride and jealousy in the heart of Satan. There was no way God Almighty could negotiate with the sin in Satan because sin will never accept a negotiation.
Now, Satan developed a deep hatred for God and His creation because sin opposed the nature of God. Satan deceived God’s most trusted vessels (Adam and Eve). When Adam and Eve sinned, sin entered the race of mankind. God had a second chance for humanity because Satan tempted mankind. Mankind did not tempt sin, but it was Satan who tempted mankind (See Genesis 3:1-6). This is one of the reasons mankind received redemption because Satan deceived us.
Satan did not receive redemption because it was impossible for Satan to recover from sin. Satan willfully embraced sin and sin took ownership of Satan, and since sin was an archenemy of God and His creation, Satan has to be wiped out from the kingdom of God.
God, in His wisdom, sent His beloved Son (Jesus Christ) to enable him to break the power of sin over mankind. There is no possibility Satan and his minions will repent if God gives them the chance to repent because sin cannot submit to the power of God. This is why God has given us (Christians) the Holy Spirit to enable us to connect with the frequency of God.
Moving outside the will of God opens the door for Satan and his minions to attack you because God is not obligated to protect you outside His will. There are times God may allow us to operate under His permissive will. This is when God grants us grace and mercies to walk on His path despite the limitations of our human nature.
Today, every Christian has the license to take on the garment of Jesus Christ because He has defeated sin in the human flesh. When Satan accuses you of your past sins, remind him of Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ has made us righteous by His Holy blood. We need to walk with the mindset of faith (consciousness of Jesus Christ).
Resting solely on your moral uprightness is a trap of the enemy. When you depend on your morality as a source of protection, you will remain under the curse of the law. In your righteousness, submit to the righteousness of Jesus Christ because your righteousness can never measure up with the righteousness of Jesus Christ (See Philippians 3:7-10).
Depending on the righteousness of Jesus Christ does not permit you to live in willful sin because God is Holy. We are supposed to crave God’s righteousness by walking in the light of the Word (See Matthew 6:33, 1 Peter 2:2).
You don’t obey the Word of God to make you earn salvation, but you obey the Word to help walk close with Jesus Christ. We live in an imperfect world surrounded by imperfect people. Some are from different families. The training you received from childhood may differ from others because that is where God placed them. People may have anger, pride, jealousy, insecurity, and other flaws which may trigger you to fight them.
This is when you need the seal of Jesus Christ because people will provoke, backbite, slander, insult, curse, persecute and oppose you. You may react in an ungodly way when people strike you. This is when you have to put on the garment of Jesus Christ because some people have signed a contract with the devil to make you backslide.
You need the seal of Jesus Christ to stand your ground and break through their stronghold. Get my books entitled “How to Break the Stronghold of the Enemy” “How to Live and Deal with Enemies” “Visions of the Night” and “The Book of Mysterious Visions” for a more profound revelation. Acting like Angel Gabriel all the time will make some people take advantage of you. Among the angels of God, some are warriors, singers, holy servants and ministers. Each of the angels plays a vital role in the life of mankind and in the affairs of God.
You need to act by faith and fight those God tells you to fight. Archangel Michael and his angels fought Satan and his cohorts before they left heaven. They drove them out by violence. Stop behaving like you are the holiest of all because you are not more righteous than Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ expressed holy anger when he saw the people selling in the temple (See Matthew 12:12-14).
Pleasing all men is a curse and a trap because you cannot please all men by your moral uprightness. God is the one to judge us, not men, so why should you try to please all men and be disapproved of God. Apostle Peter said we ought to obey God than to obey men (See Acts 5:29). We have to exalt the Word of God above the word of men. This does not mean we should disobey authority. No! We have to obey the authority whose rules are consistent with the Word.
Forgiveness of sin is not about feelings; It is about the blood of Jesus Christ. The best you can do is to repent and move on in life. People will hurt you, forgive and move on. You may also step on the toes of someone, recognise your mistake, repent, apologise, and move on in life. That is how you break sin consciousness. Believing that your goodness cannot make you acceptable in the sight of the Heavenly Father makes you rely on the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
Desire to walk in the righteousness of God. Don’t depend on your spirituality as a term of salvation, or else you become legalistic. Jesus Christ has finished the work. All we have to do is to walk in His footsteps by walking in the light of the Word. We need the fullness of the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is the best Person to guide us in the Word.
Divine Key: Walk in the light of the Word by fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit.
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