John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
God knows our needs and wants. He wants to give us what we desire in our life because He is the source of love. One attribute of God is love. If you want to understand love, get close to the Holy Spirit because love emanates from Him, without Him, there is no love (See Galatians 5:22). The question we must ask ourselves is if God is love, why does it take long before God answers our prayer.
There are principles and keys in the Word; we must follow to enable God to provide for us. God is not like a man who manipulates love. God is a faithful and righteous Father. His love is unconditional. Before God commits to your desires, you must identify the key that triggers Him to perform.
I will share with you two keys you can use to enable you to get all your desires from God because God works with keys. This is the first key I want to share with you to enable you to get your desires from God.
Abide in the Lord
Jesus Christ states that if we abide in Him, and His words abide in us whatever we want, it shall be done to us. Let us search for the Greek word “ABIDE.”
To remain, to stay, to await, (in a state) to continue, (in a task) to endure, (of a relationship) to exist permanently in, inseparably united (inhere, adhere)
KJV: abide, continue, dwell, endure, be present, remain, stand, tarry (for), X thine own
For God to give us our heart desires.
- We must remain in Jesus Christ (must be born again).
- We must learn to wait on the Lord (through fasting and prayers).
- We must learn how to endure the challenges of life (opposition from enemies and difficult times).
- We must create a consistent fellowship with the Holy Spirit (it can be through spiritual songs and obedience of God’s Word).
- We must be connected to the Holy Spirit all the time (your spiritual senses must be active to His voice and direction).
- We must love the Lord with all your heart, mind and with all your strength (includes loving your neighbour as yourself).
There are some Christians who do not want to fellowship with the Holy Spirit. These Christians always question the wisdom of God. They don’t have time to worship and praise the Lord. Such Christians cannot get their desires from God. If you want your desires answered, learn to abide in the Holy Spirit as He abides in you. This the second Key.
Connect with the Word.
Jesus said, His words must abide in us, which means we must be connected to the Word of God to enable God to supply our desires. To connect with the Word, you must meditate on the Word to enable you to become one with the Word. Your mind and heart must be full of God’s Word to enable you to get all your desires from God.
The more you feed and practice the Word, the more you get close to the Holy Spirit. The Word of God is the general and perfect will of God, so the more you build your mind and heart with the Word, the more you pray according to the will of God.
- If our heart and mind become one with the Word, we will not pray a selfish prayer.
- If our heart and mind become one with the Word, we will pray according to the will of God.
- If our heart and mind become one with the Word, our mind will be on spiritual blessings.
- If our heart and mind become one with the Word, our faith uplifts and this will elevate the potency of our prayers.
- If our heart and mind become one with the Word, God will always trust our prayers.
- If our heart and mind become one with the Word, Satan and his minions can never stop our prayers.
- If our heart and mind become one with the Word, the Holy Spirit will direct our prayers.
Divine: Always delight yourself in the Lord.
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