Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:
because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt
be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also
forget thy children.
Loved one in Christ, I
hope you are well and strong in the Lord? I want to share with you some profound
truth that will change your life. Most often, Christians allow the operations
of the world to limit them in their spiritual lives. Whenever we allow the system
of the world to dominate us, they take advantage of us.
I want to share with you
divine truth that will catapult you to a higher height in life. The wisdom of
the world differs from the wisdom of God. God operates on higher wisdom because
He is the source of wisdom. The world cannot understand the operations of God
because they live only by the system of the world.
It is our responsibility
as Christians to take charge and know the plans of God for our lives. The Word
of God declares that God rejects those who lack the knowledge (the
systems of Heaven). When Jesus Christ walked on earth as a man, you
understand that He only responded to people who operated in faith. As soon as a
person acts in faith, Jesus Christ responds.
There was no instance Jesus
Christ denied someone who operated in faith. The woman with the issue of blood received
her miracle by faith. Blind Bartimaeus received his miracle by faith. The three
men who came through the roof with the paralyzed man received their miracle by
faith. Almost everyone Jesus Christ healed received a miracle by faith.
This should let you
understand that faith is one of the spiritual laws of God. Without faith, expect
nothing from God. We can please God by our faith in Him and His Word (See
Hebrews 11:6). Desiring God from the bottom of the heart is a trusted
way of connecting to God. You must understand the spiritual laws of God because
ignorance of these laws makes you a loser. God cannot condone ignorance because
ignorance limits you not to receive from Him.
Another key to help you
connect with God is the key of love. Without love, your faith will fail to produce.
Faith works with the engine of love so as fire blazes with gasoline. Love prepares the ground for faith to operate with no limitation. Anytime you walk in
hatred, you deny God’s help. When you walk and live only in sympathy, you deny
God’s help because sympathy only touches God. It is your faith and love in God
that triggers Him to respond.
Allow the fruit of the Spirit
(See Galatians 5:22-23) to grow in your spirit by feeding on the
Word. The more you feed on the Word, the higher the spiritual seeds grow. Planting
a seed without watering it will make the seed die. That is how the fruit of the
Spirit works, we need the seed in our heart to enable us to connect with God.
Ignorance of God’s Word limits us from the plans of God.
God deals with us
according to the knowledge and relationship we have with Him (See 2 Peter
1:2, 2 Corinthians 8:7, 2 Peter 3:18). God will never dishonour His
Word. He is one with the Word. Become one with the Word and God will forever be
your side. You may acquire all the certificates in life but understand that God
has His constitution. His constitution is the Word. Ignorance of the Word
limits you in the presence of God.
If a hospital cannot employ
an illiterate as a doctor, God cannot employ someone who lacks the Word, the
anointing, and the call of God. If you want to connect to God, repent and accept
Jesus Christ as the Saviour and the Lord of your life, find a Bible Believing
Church and fellowship with them. Get baptized in water and in the Spirit to
enable you to receive the gifts of the Spirit.
Create a fellowship with
the Holy Spirit through spiritual songs, a meditation on God’s Word and with spiritual
friends. Build a prayer life and unequally yoke with unbelievers. Follow this path
and you will understand the spiritual laws of God.
Divine Key: The Word is
the doorway to the spiritual realm; Therefore , make it your priority.
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