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/ / THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS CHRIST 4 (The Mysteries of Prayer)

THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS CHRIST 4 (The Mysteries of Prayer)

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And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

Matthew 6:5-8 KJV

Prayer is one of the greatest weapons of every believer in Christ Jesus. Without prayer, the enemy will conquer us and make us unprofitable in the kingdom of God. It is like a mother and her baby. If the mother fails to feed her baby with breast milk, the child will starve to death. The breast milk of the mother supplies strength to the baby.

When the baby receives the breast milk of the mother, the baby functions effectively. That is how God made his children. We must pray because it helps our spirit connect with God. When we pray, our spirit receives divine strength from the Lord. Failure to pray will limit us in our spiritual life.

As Christians, the Holy Spirit commands us to follow the teaching of Jesus Christ because Jesus is our Saviour and Lord. Jesus Christ fasted and prayed consistently. He had His time of prayer because prayer empowered Him to connect with His Heavenly Father. Get my book “How to Walk and Live in the Spirit” for a more profound revelation.

Jesus said, when we pray, we should not pretend. Pretenders are deceivers. Pretenders fake and masquerade. They play the role of an actor or an actress. Sometimes when we watch movies, the actors play a specific role in the movie. The actor acts on the information (scripts) given by the director and writer of the movie.

The actor can act violently in the movie, but in real life, the actor may not be violent. You cannot define the character of the actor by the role he plays in the movie. In other words, the actor pretends in the movie. He acts like a hypocrite. Jesus commands us that we should not behave like actors when we come before Him in prayers because He sees, knows, and understands our thoughts, motives, and actions (See Psalm 139).

We must appear before God in prayer with sincerity of heart because our heart is the focal point (See Jeremiah 17:10, 1 Samuel 16:7, 1 Chronicles 28:9, Romans 8:26-27).  God looks at our heart not the number of hours we pray. Jesus commands us that we should not behave like the modern Pharisees, Sadducees, and scribes who act as men of God, but inwardly they are ravening wolves (See Matthew 7:15).

Jesus said we should pray from our hearts.  We should enter a secret place (room, house, church building, prayer mountain, or any place we can express ourselves to God with no limitation) and pray. Remember, we have different prayers. We have corporate prayers, warfare prayers, intercessional prayers, private prayers, and many more. We have to discern the season and know when to pray correctly.

I remember I was embarking on a five-day prayer and fasting. On the fifth day of the prayer and fasting, I entered an uncompleted church building to break the fasting with prayer. As I was praying in tongues under the church building, I felt like opening my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I saw a black bed hovering on top of the roofing. The black bed flew away within a twinkle of an eye because it observed that I saw it.

Later I heard within my spirit that I should not be praying in tongues. I believe the Spirit of God spoke to me because, as I was praying in the Spirit, I felt empty. I could feel that my prayer was not making any impact in the realms of the Spirit.  I declared some prophetic Words and left the church building.

Child of God, you must discern the environment and the operations of the Spirit because the kingdom of God operates with principles. There are times, you need to pray in tongues for hours because you need that prayer to help build your spirit (See Jude 1:20, I Corinthians 14:4). There are times, you have to declare and decree the Word (promises of God) because some forces of darkness (spiritual host of wickedness in the high places) may be hindering your prayers in the realms of the Spirit (See Ephesians 6:12, Daniel 10).

Other times, you just have to worship and give thanks to God from your heart to enable you to receive from God. There are many ways of communicating with God. Be conscious of the Spirit and follow the instruction of the Holy Spirit. If you always pray in your own understanding, you can pray amiss or pray outside the will of God (See James 4:3).

When you pray, believe that God has heard you. Remember, prayer is one of the greatest assets to our spirit and soul. Know these truths.
  • When we pray from our heart, we connect with the mind of God.
  • When we pray from our heart, our spirit becomes conscious and attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
  • When we pray from our hearts, our walk with the Holy Spirit upgrades. When this happens, we conform to the instructions of the Holy Spirit.
  • When we pray from our heart, we sharpen our spiritual senses.
  • When we pray from our heart, we command the celestial beings to our sides.
  • When we pray from our heart, our soul submits to the leadership of our spirit.
  • When we pray from our hearts, God and His angels destroy the plans of all our enemies.
  • When we pray from our hearts, our love for God increases.
  • When we pray from our heart, the fruit of the Holy Spirit grows in our spirit.
  • When we pray from our hearts, the Holy Spirit sharpens His gifts in our spirit.
  • When we pray from our heart, the will of God for our lives prevail on earth.
  • When we pray from our hearts, the hands of God rest upon our lives.
  • When we pray from our heart, the presence of the Holy Spirit becomes stronger in our jurisdiction.
  • When we pray from our hearts, the miracles of God prevail on earth.
  • When we pray from our hearts, the power of God dominates in the affairs of our lives.
  • When we pray from our hearts, God shows us His secrets.
  • When we pray from our heart, God pours His blessings on our lives.
  • When we pray from our hearts, God converts the expectations of our enemies into a blessing.
  • When we pray from our hearts, God reveals His plans to us.
  • When we pray from our heart, God exposes the plans of our enemies to us.

I hope these few revelations will empower you to pray from your heart. Build a prayer life and you will see the blessings of God flowing in your life. Get my book The Seven Secret Keys of Prayer” for a more profound revelation. 

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