THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS CHRIST 6 (Understanding the heart and the tongue)

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not
kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a
cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his
brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou
fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
Matthew 5:21-22 KJV
Loved one in Christ
Jesus, I hope you are moving in the strength of the Lord. As I have been
expanding the teachings of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, it is my prayer
that the Holy Spirit will be speaking to you. I believe every word recorded in
the Holy Bible is important. The Word of Jesus Christ gives us a greater
exposition of God’s wisdom, laws, and plans.
Anytime I hear or read
the words of Jesus Christ, I believe and accept the Word as a direct counsel of
God. The Words of Jesus Christ are the direct words of God Almighty. We must
value the Word of God above every word.
Let every man be a liar
and let the Word (Holy Bible) be the truth. I cannot compare any wise sayings with the wisdom embedded in the Word of God because the Word is the ultimate. No wise man, woman or spirit can compare his or her counsels with the Word of God
because the Word of God is the pillar of God’s wisdom.
We must be careful with the Word of God because the Word is an unbreakable sword. We must value the Word of Jesus Christ recorded in
the Holy Bible more than diamonds, gold, topaz, money and any other valuable
material in this world because the Word can create. Remember, the
world emanated from the Word (See John 1:1-4).
The Words of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ is the greatest. Every word will pass away, but the Word of
God shall never depart. The Words of Jesus Christ can stand every storm.
- If the Words of Jesus could calm the storm and the waves the sea produced, then it means there is power in the Words of Jesus Christ (See Mark 4:35:41).
- If the tree withered within twenty-four hours just by the spoken Word of Jesus, then it means there is power in Jesus Word (See Mark 11:12-25).
- If the dead, blind, lame, demon-possessed, and the sick could receive deliverance by the Word of Jesus Christ, then it means there is power in the Word of God. Lazarus, who had been dead for four days, rose from death by the Words of Jesus Christ (See John 11:38-44).
- If the name of Jesus Christ can silence the activity of demonic spirits, then it means there is power in the name of Jesus (See Matthew 8:28-32).
- If every king, president, nation, demon, god, religious leaders, human beings, and spiritual beings will bow on the final day at the mention of the name Jesus, then it means power and authority emanates from Jesus Christ. (See Philippians 2:10).
The dead, sick,
oppressed, hopeless, and the creation of God responds to the Word of God. There
is nothing in this world that does not hear and respond to the Word of God. The creation of
God submits to the Word of God because they receive life from the Word. The
Word of God is the Word of Jesus Christ. Anytime you hear the Word of Jesus,
believe God Almighty is speaking to you. Don’t destroy yourself by travelling to
a deep forest to hear the voice of God.
You have the written Word
and many mediums to hear and verify God’s voice. If you are not sure of God’s
voice, confirm it from the Word of God (Holy Bible) because every word written
in the Holy Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit and it agrees with God’s voice
(See 2 Peter 1:21, 1 John 5:7-8). Rejecting the Word of God makes you a
loser. It is through the Word of God that we know the thoughts of God, purpose of creation, how creation works, how creation started, why sin exists, purpose of humankind, wisdom of
God and further explains to us how the world will end.
Jesus makes us understand in the Holy Bible that our
heart is the root of evil. Jesus said, if we hold anger and grudges in our
heart, we fall into the category of murderers. In the time of Moses, they considered anyone who kills a human being physically a murderer.
In our time, Jesus teaches that we must accept ungodly anger as murder. If we hold anger in our
heart, it generates hatred. When hatred lingers in the heart for a long time, it
turns into jealousy, when jealousy stays in the heart for a long time, it turns
into war. When war lingers in the heart of humankind for a long time, it turns
into murderous thought.
There are instances one
can be angry by the actions of others. One can be angry at the wrong actions
and wicked activities of another because Jesus said, “whosoever is angry with his brother WITHOUT A CAUSE.”
means our anger must have a cause. Our
anger must be reasonable. We must be angry for a reason.
For example, let’s assume
you gave your wife some money to prepare food for the children. When you closed
from work and came home, you observed that your wife did not use the money to
prepare food for the children, but she used the money to buy shoe whiles
your children complain to you they are hungry. You can
be angry at your wife because your anger is justifiable. Your anger has a cause.
You can deal with your wife in a godly way .
Our anger must be
justifiable, but it must not lead us to sin. Another example, Jesus became angry
and drove out the money changers in the house of God when they turned the house
of God into a market centre (See John 2:13-16). We can become
angry when we see injustice. The justifiable reason gives as a reason to express our godly anger.
This is one reason the Holy Bible says that parents should not provoke their children to anger least they become discouraged (See Ephesians 6:4, Colossians 3:21). Children can be angry at their parents if their parent deals with them in an ungodly way. The only
time anger becomes sin is when it is not predicated on a justifiable (must
agree with the Word of God) ground. Anger also becomes a sin when we
express it in an ungodly (if it does not agree with the Word of God) way.
Jesus further states that
injurious words are abominable in the sight of God. Every word we speak out of our heart and tongue shall be used against us on the judgement day. Every word includes
slander, gossip, insults, curses and blasphemies shall be accounted on the
judgement day. We must learn to discipline ourselves because the tongue can cause
great harm. Know these truths.
- Friends have become enemies because of the tongue.
- Families have become enemies because of the tongue.
- Organizations have lost contracts because of the tongue.
- A great number of people have left churches because of the tongue.
- Church leaders have destroyed churches of the tongue.
- People have committed suicide because of the tongue.
- People have become useless and hopeless in this world because of the tongue.
- Countries, communities, and citizens are in a great battle because of the tongue.
- People have lost their heavenly inheritance because of the tongue.
- People are in the dark world because of their tongue.
- People are in prison because of the tongue.
- People have lost their blessings through their tongue.
- Projects have
because of the tongue.been delayed - People are swimming in the pool of poverty because of the tongue.
- People are living under curses because of the tongue.
- People are in the hospitals because of the tongue.
- People are in mental clinics and departments because of the tongue.
- People are in the grave because of the tongue.
- People have lost respect for others because of the tongue.
in ourWe cannot accept people country, homes, organization, and family because of someone else’s tongue.- The enemy has tied the destiny of people down because of the tongue.
- Nations are living under curses because of the tongue.
- Families and communities are living under curses because of the tongue.
Meditate on this scripture.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue : and they that
love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Proverbs 18:21 JV
Child of God, be careful
with the words that come out of your tongue because it has a significant impact
on your life, those around and connected to you. God has placed life in your
tongue so always speak words of blessings on your life and those around you.
The devil and his cohorts can torment you by your words. When you speak words
of curses, the evil forces can stand on those words and use it as a license to destroy you. Know when to use your tongue. Be led by the Spirit of God
before you speak or decide.
Guard your heart with all
diligence because what you store in your heart controls your actions. People shall use any word that comes out of your tongue against you. If you cannot control your tongue, you cannot control the desires of your body and emotions.
Meditate on this scripture.
James 3:2 KJV
If your
heart is corrupt, you cannot produce good fruits. Pray this short prayer from
your heart.
Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right
spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10 KJV
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