THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS CHRIST 8 (Breaking the root cause of Sin)

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not
commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her
hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
Matthew 5:27-28 KJV.
The rate at which death
is increasing is alarming. Sin has opened the door for the spirit of death to
dominate the earth. Sin is producing diseases, calamities, and war in many countries. Sin is making families and organizations break up.
Before I share with you
the root causes of sin, you must understand that sin is at different levels.
Today, people define sin in their own terms. Some countries have
legalized abortion, gay and lesbian marriage, fornication and other evil acts
because of human rights.
We must understand that sin is a virtue that
exits outside the virtues of God Almighty (See Galatians 5:22-23). God has knowledge about sin but sin cannot and does not abide in Him because of His holiness. The Holiness of God
cannot abide in a sinful jurisdiction (Meditate on Isaiah 58). This is one reason God commanded His
angels to drive Lucifer (later became Satan after the fall) and
his cohorts out of Heaven when they rebelled (sinned) against Him and His creation (See Revelation 12:7-12).
It is like light and
darkness. Wherever you see light, you cannot see darkness. The absence of light
brings darkness. That is how God Almighty looks like. God is light and in Him,
there is no darkness (See 1 John 1:5). Anyone who says God
created sin is ignorant or a liar. God only allows the spirit of sin (this spirit has dominated Satan, his minions and the ungodly) when we walk outside His will.
God cannot create a seed (an evil virtue) and later regret and forgive. If God created sin, then there is no justice if God should forgive us of our sins. God is not like a computer programmer who createsvirus and later creates an antivirus software to wipe out the virus.
God cannot create a seed (an evil virtue) and later regret and forgive. If God created sin, then there is no justice if God should forgive us of our sins. God is not like a computer programmer who creates
Since God did not create
sin, He has the power and authority to forgive us. Let me explain this analogy
with this example. Let’s assume you are with your child in the house. You have
provided everything your child needs in the house. Later, you saw that your
child has gone outside the house and brought some materials you did not provide
for him.
When you observed the materials,
your child brought into the house, you saw that it can destroy the life of the
child. What will you do as a loving father? Probably, you will reprove or rebuke your child to take those materials outside because you know the
damage it can cause.
At this stage, the father
is innocent because he did not build those destructive materials for the child. You
have the power to punish the child because he brought something into the house
you did not create for him. That is how sin entered the race of humankind. The child is like Adam and Eve. The foreign material the child brought into his father's house is the spirit of sin (dominated Satan).
Whatever God created was
good (See Genesis chapter one in the Holy Bible). God never
created evil things. God created good things and there was nothing evil in His
creation. Sin existed outside the creation of God. Sin was active in the
beginning before creation began. Sin was another spirit living with God
Almighty before the beginning began. Get my message "Before The beginning began" on YouTube for a more profound revelation. Sin was covering the universe in the beginning, but it could not dominate the virtues of God Almighty (Meditate on Psalm 18:11; 97:2 and 1 Kings 18:12).
Sin was inactive until
God began His creation. In the book of Genesis chapter one, the Bible says that
in the beginning darkness covered the earth and the Spirit of God hovered on
the earth. Let’s read from the Word.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the
And the earth was without form, and void; and
darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the
face of the waters.
Genesis 1:1-2 KJV.
In the beginning, God
created the Heaven and earth, the earth was without shape, and darkness covered the
face of the earth. Let us search for the word “darkness” from
Mickelson’s Enhanced Greek and Hebrew dictionary.
1. the dark
2. hence (literally) darkness
3. (figuratively) misery, destruction, death,
ignorance, sorrow, wickedness
KJV: dark ( -ness), night, obscurity.
This means in the
beginning, misery, death, sorrow, wickedness, and obscurity (absence of
light, unable to explain with the mind, a mystery, unknown) dominated the
earth. Bible Scholars believe that Moses ( son of Amram and Jochebed) wrote the book of Genesis including other four books (Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and some portions of Psalms). Moses did not find the perfect word to describe darkness because it was mysterious.
The darkness was not inside God. It was outside of God! The Spirit of
God was not moving in the darkness. The Spirit of God was moving on the surface
of the earth. This means darkness could not dominate the Spirit of God.
Remember, the surface of the earth was covered with water. God commanded the
water to separate from the earth.
God commanded the light
to appear on earth. The light would never have appeared if the Spirit of God did
not shake the earth. God did not destroy darkness (spirit of sin). He only
separated the darkness from the light. This means darkness existed with
God in the beginning. There was an intense battle between darkness and the
Trinity in the beginning. The Spirit of God (Holy Spirit) took a decision to fight and walk on darkness. The Heavenly Father took a decision to dominate darkness by creating. The
Word (Jesus Christ) took a decision to sacrifice Himself to God’s creation (See
John 3:16).
That is how the light
took hold in the beginning. This means without Jesus Christ and the power of
the Holy Spirit we cannot overcome sin. Jesus Christ explained to us that the
root cause of sin. He explained to us that sin emanates from the heart of humankind.
Get my book “How to Walk and Live in the Spirit” for a more
profound revelation. Jesus said, if we look at a woman lustfully from our
heart, we have activated the spirit and the thoughts of sin. The same principle applies to
women. If a woman looks at a man lustfully, she has activated the spirit and the thoughts of
The Holy Bible defines sin as breaking the laws of God. When someone disobeys the instructions written in the Holy Bible, God sees the person as disobedient. Sin means transgressing against the Word of God (See 1 John 3:4).
Sin begins from the heart. When sin dominates our heart, it sends the evil
information to our mind. When the mind continues to receive this information,
it stores it in the subconscious sector of the brain. From that point, the brain triggers the
actions to the conscious part of the brain. The body will then express the sinful
information sent by the conscious brain.
There are sins caused by Satan and his
cohorts. This is one reason
Jesus said, we must watch and pray lest we fall into temptation (See Matthew 26:41). When David saw
Uriah’s wife Bathsheba bathing, he lusted over her in his heart, and it led to
adultery and murder (See 2 Samuel chapter eleven in the Holy Bible). Know these spiritual truths.
- Our eyes are gates to our soul and spirit.
- Our heart is a gate to our spirit and soul.
- Our ears are gates to our spirit and soul.
- Our tongue is a gate to our spirit and soul.
- Our nose is a gate to our spirit and soul.
- Our sensual organs (anus, "vagina", and penis) are gates to our spirit and soul.
We must guard our eyes by avoiding ungodly videos because it can invite the spirit of sin and lustful thoughts of the
flesh to dominate us. The books we read and the music we listen to
have a significant impact on our lives. The friends we make, the movies we watch,
and the places we enter can corrupt and make us evil. If we don’t guard our
heart with diligence, sin will dominate us. If we can guard the gates of our eyes,
heart, and tongue, we will be victorious. Get my series of books for a more profound revelation.
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