THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS CHRIST 9 (The Seven Divine Laws or foundation of Prayer)

After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is
the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also
forgive you:But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father
forgive your trespasses.
Matthew 6:9-15 KJV
As the composer (Alan
Jackson) writes…
“What a friend we have in
All our sins and griefs to bear
And what a privilege to carry
All our sins and griefs to bear
And what a privilege to carry
Whenever there is a
problem, talk to God in prayer. Jesus Christ has given us the grace to communicate with God through prayer. As Archbishop Duncan Williams always says in his sermon
“Pray or die.” If you don’t pray, you lose focus in life.
It is through prayer that
we express our desires unto God. With God all things are possible. There is
nothing in this world that God cannot do. Anything impossible in the sight of
men is possible in the sight of God. We don’t serve a silent God. We serve a
God who speaks. God loved us to the extent of sending His Son (Jesus Christ) to
us. He sacrificed Jesus Christ so we can reconcile with Him.
When Jesus Christ walked
on earth as a Man, He taught His disciples how to pray. As followers of Jesus
Christ, we must know the foundations of prayer. Our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ has given us the foundations of prayer, and it is our responsibility to follow His
plan. The foundation of prayer enables us to pray according to the will of God.
Failure to follow the formula Jesus Christ gave us can make us pray amiss.
Apostle James made a profound statement in the Holy Bible. I want us to read.
Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it
upon your lusts.
James 4:3
Apostle James said, some
people ask God for certain things in life, but they do not receive. He further
explains why God does not respond to some prayers. He said people, ask wrongly.
People pray outside the will of God. Some people don’t know how to pray. They only ask
God to fulfil their plans, not His plans. Most people pray out of envy and jealousy.
Many Christians complain
that God does not answer their prayers, and it is one of these reasons why I am
expanding the teachings of Jesus Christ and how He taught us (the Church) how
to pray. Whatever God says always agrees with His Word. The voice of the Holy
Spirit will never contradict the Word of God (Holy Bible). Anyone who claims he
heard the voice of the Holy Spirit or had a prophecy and the prophecy disagrees
or challenges the Word of God did not hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.
No prophecy challenges the
Word of God. The Word of God is the foundation of all prophecies. We must judge
every prophecy by the Word of God (Holy Bible) because the Word is the decreed prophecy
of God. The Word is the shadow of God’s voice. The Word reflects the voice of
the Holy Spirit.
Let every man be a liar
as far the Word is a concern. Always agree with the Word of God in every
situation because every prophecy and decrees will pass away, but the Word of
God shall never expire. The Word is the foundation of God’s power and
wisdom. Jesus Christ taught us how to pray. Remember that we have different prayers.
I am expanding the foundations of Jesus Christ and how He taught us how to pray.
Below are the seven divine principles of prayer based on the teachings of Jesus
- The First Divine Law
The first divine principle
Jesus gave us was to address our prayer to the Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ
knows the divine law of the Trinity. By acknowledging the Heavenly Father, we
humble ourselves. This helps us to know that there is an authority figure who controls
the affairs of Heaven, earth and all things.
We must direct our prayers to the Heavenly Father because it is a divine law in the spiritual realm. Before
God does anything, the Heavenly Father has to speak. If the Heavenly Father fails
to speak, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit will not
react. By acknowledging the Heavenly Father in prayer, the door opens for the
Son and the Holy Spirit to take part in our prayer request.
2. The Second Divine Law

The second divine law of
prayer is to exalt the name of the Heavenly Father. When we glorify the
Heavenly Father in prayers, it gives pleasure to God. When we exalt the name of
the Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit opens the gate of Heaven for us. When the
heavenly gate opens, our spirit gets access to the throne room of God. When the gates of heaven opens, we can make our request unto God. We can intercede for our loved ones, plead and seek divine empowerment.
3. The Third Divine Law

The third divine law of
prayer is to pray that the power of God should dominate the earth realm. We
must pray and ask the Heavenly Father to establish His kingdom on earth. We must
pray for His kingdom because the god of this world has blinded the spiritual
eyes and ears of the unbelievers.
Satan and his cohorts are
controlling the mindset of the unbelievers and it is our (Christians) responsibility to pray that God will send His angels to dominate the affairs of our
When we pray for God’s kingdom, the forces of darkness ruling and
controlling the mind of unbelievers will break. This will empower the host of
the holy angels to take charge. Evil breaks when we pray for God’s kingdom.
When we pray for God’s kingdom, peace prevails on earth.
4. The Fourth Divine Law

The fourth divine law of
prayer is to pray for God’s will. God can allow us to follow our will because
He did not create us to behave like robots. God respects our decisions, but He
wants us to follow His will. Know these spiritual truths.
- When we pray for God’s will, we align ourselves to the plans of God.
- When we pray for God’s will, It helps us avoid the destructive plans of the enemy.
- When we pray for God’s will, the Holy Spirit directs our lives.
- When we pray for God’s will, it helps us make decisions that please God.
- When we pray for God’s will, we overcome the traps and temptations of the enemy.
- When we pray for God’s will, God protects us.
- Praying for God’s will, it makes the Holy Spirit the director (Guide and Shepherd) of our lives.
- It helps us avoid deadly mistakes when we pray for God’s will.
5. The Fifth Divine Law
The fifth divine law of
prayer is to pray for our basic needs. If God can feed the birds of the air, He
can feed us. This does not mean that we shouldn’t work. When we pray for our
basic needs such as food and water, God can make provisions for us
miraculously. Jesus will never tell us to pray a foolish prayer.
He knows our body needs
food and water to survive. By praying for our basic needs, we acknowledge that
God is the supplier of all our basic needs. He creates fruits, vegetables, and fishes
to appear from the sea and ground. He protects our animals (meats). When we pray
for our basic needs, He miraculously creates our food for us. Ask yourself.
- Why is it that the fishes in the sea never gets finish despite the activities of men? Some people even poison water bodies to get fishes yet fishes never disappear?
- Who makes fruits and vegetables to germinate in the soil?
- Who supplies life and strength to the people who prepare our food?
By praying for our daily
bread, we acknowledge God for His mercies and provisions. Jesus Christ fed over
five thousands of people with five loaves of bread and two fishes just by blessing
it. This means God can increase the little we have if we pray and ask Him to bless
what we have produced (See Mark 6:34-44).
6. The Sixth Divine Law
The sixth divine law of
prayer is to pray for divine mercies and forgiveness. Sin creates a limitation
between us and God (Isaiah 59:1-3). When we hold grudges in our hearts and fails to forgive people who
offend us, it blocks us from accessing the provision of God. By the grace of
God, we can plead for mercies through the blood of Jesus Christ.
When we forgive
offenders, God also forgives. God wants us to live in peace and unity. He knows
that the devil can manipulate us if there is disunity among us. We must be
quick to apologize when we offend others and learn how to forgive offenders
because it helps us to establish a mutual relationship with the Holy Spirit.
7. The Seventh Divine Law

The seventh divine law of
prayer is to pray that the glory of God will prevail on earth. We must pray that the
beauty of God’s holiness will dominate the race of humankind. When we pray for God's glory, we give God the license to show forth His miraculous power. When
we pray for God’s glory, we open the portal for the celestial beings to make
impacts on our lives.
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