How to Become a Perfect Believer in Jesus Christ 2 (Perfecting Holiness)

For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.
James 3:2 KJV
Loved one in Christ
Jesus, I believe the grace of God is increasing in your life. This is episode
two of the holiness teachings. I explained in the foundational teachings that we must deal with the invisible sins
(pride, jealousy, ungodly anger, lust, bitterness, unforgiveness, and other
secret sins) to enable us to become conscious of the Holy Spirit.
Dominating the invisible sins
help us stay focused on the Holy Spirit. We must hide the Word of God in our
heart to enable us to love righteousness and pursue after the holiness of Jesus
Christ (See Psalm 119:11).
In episode one, I explained that we must love God with our heart,
resource, and strength and love our neighbours with a pure heart. Exercising
divine love activates the Spirit of holiness to work in our life.
In this episode, I will
share with you one of the most excellent strategies you can use to enable you to activate
the Spirit of holiness in your Christian life. Apostle James emphasized in
the Word that all of us make mistakes because we are human beings.
The word
offend means to sin, stumble, or fall. That is the Adamic nature of human
beings. This statement does not mean that we intentionally sin. Sometimes we
make mistakes or sin ignorantly.
There are some sins we commit out of
ignorance. For example, failing to
intercede for leadership and those God has given you is a sin against God. Most
believers in Christ Jesus do not know that lack of prayer is a sin in the sight
of God.
Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in
ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way:
1 Samuel 12:23 KJV
Some sins are pardonable
in the sight of God (See Luke 23:32-34, 1 Timothy 1:13). This is the mistake (sin)
Apostle James emphasized in James chapter three, verses two. Some people intentionally work wickedness or sin against God and His creation.
After the crime, they will foolishly come to God for forgiveness.
Such sins may be forgiven, but there are terms and conditions. Sins are in levels. The higher the sin, the
greater the punishment. Some sins are unpardonable. For example, intentionally challenging,
opposing, and speaking against true Christians, called and chosen ministers of God can be a sin
of blasphemy (See Matthew 12:31).
Jesus Christ classifies
such sins as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. If you intentionally oppose and
destroy the chosen vessels of God, you are at the danger of death. Be careful when dealing
with Christians, called and chosen ministers of God, because it is dangerous to
touch the Lord’s anointed.
I believe you know what happened to Judas Iscariot,
Lucifer, king Saul, Absalom, Jezebel, Herod, Goliath, Miriam, Ananias, and
Apostle James further
states that if a man offends not in word, such a man is perfect. Such a
man can control every organ of his body if he can control his tongue. In other
words, the Apostle is saying that if a man can speak without offending his
fellow neighbour, such a man is complete in Jesus Christ.
It is like a driver controlling
the steering of a car. The driver controls every part of the vehicle and the people
in the car because he holds the steering. If the man cannot control the
steering, the car, people in the car, and himself are in danger.
That is how our tongue works. If you can control your speech when people provoke you, be rest assured that
you can control your sexual desire and every desire that leads to sin. It is rare
to find men and women managing their tongue.
Women are powerful
inwardly whiles men are strong physically. This is one reason God told Adam to
work in the garden. Women can talk a lot because God has limited their physical
With talking, I believe
no man can challenge women because most of them talk. It is like a sportsman.
Usain bolt has mastered in sprint races because he has the ability. He knows
how to dissipate his strength in racing. That is how most women are. They can talk.
If you want to see a true
believer in Christ, test that person whether he can keep his tongue. If the
person can maintain his tongue despite the provocation, you have encountered a man or
woman who has mastered the kingdom righteousness.
It doesn’t mean that you
should keep quiet and allow the enemy to issue curses on you. Speak the Word to
counter every curse.
- If you can control your tongue when your wife provokes you, you are a mature believer in Christ Jesus.
- You are matured in Jesus if your boss provokes or issue an insult to you, but you still keep your tongue.
- If you can control your tongue when enemies make a mockery and issue insults at you, you are a mature Christian.
- If you can control your tongue when people provoke you at social gatherings, you are matured in Christ Jesus.
Christians who keep their
tongue do not struggle in their Christian life because the Holy Spirit empowers
them to walk in holiness. Becoming complete does not mean that you are immune
to holiness.
All of us have some shortcomings.
The devil can use people to tempt us to sin. We must draw closer to the Holy
Spirit. God knew that we cannot keep the whole law, so He sent Jesus Christ as a
sin offering to the world.
Jesus died for our sins
so we can have dominion over sin. A true Christian has power over sin (Meditate
on Romans 6:2,11,14,15, 1 Peter 2:24, 1 John 5:18). By the grace of God, the
indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our hearts makes us desire holiness. The Holy
Spirit empowers us to walk in God’s path.
If the Holy Spirit lives
in you, prove to the world that sin has no authority over you. If you want to activate
the Spirit of holiness in your Christian life, learn how to keep your tongue.
When people are making fun of you, pretend as if you didn’t hear them. Don’t
give the enemy attention because they will provoke and make you sin with the tongue.
The Spirit of holiness
works in our spirit, soul, and body when we humble ourselves to the leadership
of the Holy Spirit. We don’t become holy by our good works or efforts. It is
the grace of God that works in us.
The Pelagians rejects the
help of God. They don’t believe in a divine being. They think they can be morally
upright by their efforts. They act like the legalistic Christians and
unbelievers. Don't act like them.
The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto
the simple.
Psalm 119:130 KJV
Child of God, feed on the
Word and practice it, because it opens the door the Spirit of holiness to take
control of our life.
For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be
Matthew 12:37 KJV
Jesus said God will
approve of us if we keep our tongue from speaking evil against our neighbour. God will hold us accountable for the words that come out of our tongue. If you
don’t want to fall into the traps of the enemy, keep your tongue.
Focus on things that can
build your spirit and soul. Don’t sit amid people who gossip and mock at the
things of God. Keep your tongue when the enemy provokes you to sin and the
Spirit of holiness will work in your spirit, soul, and body. Glory to God!
To be Continued…
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