How to Become a Perfect Believer in Jesus Christ 3 (Perfecting Holiness)

Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;
Hebrews 5:8-9 KJV
We thank God Almighty for
His grace and wisdom in our life. God is working for our good. Child of God, when you are
going through trials and persecutions, don’t give up on God because He is using it to merge some broken bridges in your life.
Never allow the enemy to
destroy your faith in the Word. Have faith in Jesus Christ because He is the
author and the finisher of our faith. Get my book, "How to Unlock the Gate of Faith" for a more profound revelation. In Jesus, we have life and strength.
Aside from Christ Jesus, we are like a flock of sheep among the wolves, serpents, and scorpions (See Matthew 10:16).
Never lose hope in Jesus
Christ, because when the world rejects you, Jesus Christ will not deny you. No
one can love you as much as Jesus Christ because His love is unconditional. Jesus
Christ is the complete expression of love. He is a manufacturer of love. Don’t
give up on God’s purpose for your life because He has created you for His
I shared with you the foundations of holiness and how you can activate the Spirit of holiness in your
life in the previous articles. If you have not read my previous articles on holiness, kindly read them.
The foundations and the previous articles will help you understand the basics
of holiness.
Holiness outside Jesus
Christ is morality, humanism, and goodness. Trying to live a holy life without Jesus Christ is trying
to live in innocence. We must understand that true holiness emanates from the
Holy Spirit. If you try to impose do’s and don’ts in your Christian life without
submitting to the Holy Spirit, you will struggle to please God. You will be like the Pharisees.
In this article, I will share with you
one of the best ways to activate the Spirit of holiness in your life. I call
this key, Obedience, and Suffering. Ask yourself these questions.
- Why does a baby cry when he is born?
- Why is there so much injustice in our world?
- Why do the innocent suffer for the crime they never committed?
- Why do we go through pain, disappointment, and shame?
- Who do people become jealous when others are flourishing?
- Why are some people born into poor homes, while others are born into comfortable homes?
- Why is the world divided into groups (religion, politics, science, philosophy, and humanism)?
- Does God care about us?
These and many other
questions linger in our hearts when we face challenges. Some people suffer from
childhood to adulthood. Some even die in poverty. Some people enjoy substantial
wealth from childhood to adulthood with no distraction. If you encounter such
people and enquire from them about life, they will give you a different
perspective about life.
Some people have seen death,
war, injustice, and other grave evils since their childhood so, they think life
is not fair. Others have never seen much harm or to be precise, none evil in
their life, so they think life is pleasurable.
The question we must ask
ourselves is if there is a loving God who has the power to destroy the evil
some of us faces, why doesn’t He intervene? Is God wicked to leave some
people to suffer in pain while others enjoy it?
The great answer to this
question is, God is not wicked to allow His children to suffer. If you only
analyze life from the physical perspective, you have made a mistake. Spiritual
laws are governing this world. Nothing happens without a cause. We call it the
law of Karma. Ask yourself, why does the sea remain at a particular boundary?
There are a lot of
questions, scientists, philosophers, politicians, atheists, humanists, and other
religious groups cannot answer. Not even theologians can answer specific
questions in life because they are limited. Some questions demand divine
wisdom. Ask yourself these questions.
- Why should God become a human being and suffer in the hands of His creation?
- How can God live in the womb of a woman?
- Where did sin emanate from if God is Holy?
- If God is loving, why did He allow sin, pain, sickness, injustice and other evils to dominate His creation?
We must understand that
God is Sovereign. He can do what He pleases, and no one can stop Him. This does
not mean that God will use His sovereignty to work wickedness against His
creation. His holiness would not allow Him to act in an ungodly way. God always
acts righteously. He can never sin because sin cannot live in Him.
Sin is the enemy of God
Almighty. Read my articles, “The Mysteries of Jesus Christ and Sin” and “Breaking the root cause of sin" for a more profound revelation on sin. You can also get my
book, “Spiritual Keys for Life,” for a more profound revelation on sin.
Apostle Paul wrote to the
Jewish Christians in the book of Hebrews chapter five, verses eight and nine,
that Jesus Christ became obedient through suffering. If Jesus Christ became obedient through suffering, then we must understand that pain can mould us to
become an honourable vessel in God's hand. Jesus Christ became perfect
(complete) through the pain, mockery, persecutions, and injustice people fired
at Him.
This means suffering
plays a vital role in our life. Never become bitter or reject God when you are
going through challenges in your family, job, Christian life, and neighborhood.
God is moulding you to become a perfect man or woman.
If you hate pain, you
cannot enter the realm of perfection. Suffering is a spiritual currency that
builds our character, personality, and temperament. When we go through pains, it
helps us reflect on our life and make changes.
Without money, we cannot
buy products and services. The money serves as a legal tender to enable us to exchange
services. The money is the currency we use to transact business in the earth
realm. The same principle applies to the currency of suffering. We use the
pain of God to attain the garment of perfection.
God can allow suffering
in our life so we can conform to His image. This does not mean that all
sufferings are from God. Any pain that draws you away from God, the church, and
makes you bitter in the faith is questionable. Most often, such suffering is
not from God.
Sin has penalties. Sin
can activate suffering. The only difference between the pains that
emanates from God and the suffering that originates from Satan is that the suffering of God builds our faith while the suffering of sin or Satan destroys
our faith.
Anyone who hates the sufferings
of God excludes himself from God’s holiness. As Jesus Christ became obedient
and perfect (complete) through the suffering He went through, we can also
become perfect through the pain. We will learn to be obedient through
It is like a child who
does not know that playing with a blade may harm him. Such a child can become
your enemy when you take the blade from him. The child may not understand you
until the blade cuts him. When the child receives an injury from the blade, he
will learn to be obedient.
This does not mean that
Jesus Christ was disobedient. Jesus Christ learned obedience because He was a
human being like us. He has to adapt to human nature. Jesus always walked in
the ways of God. Jesus never sinned (See 1 John 3:5,1 Peter 2:21-22, 2
Corinthians 5:21). The unbelievers and other religious groups have different
beliefs about Jesus Christ. We must not allow their beliefs about Jesus Christ to destroy our faith.
Christianity is not only
about prosperity, prayer, grace, evangelism, and holiness. There are levels in the Christian journey. Sometimes God
allows us to pass through different roads so He can mould us to become complete
in Him. You can never attain perfection in Jesus Christ until you pass the
exams of suffering. Know these truths.
- Taking your cross and following Christ Jesus is part of the suffering.
- Loving God above your family is part of the suffering.
- The world will persecute godly Christians, it is part of the suffering. If the unbelievers are not persecuting you, it means you are not living a godly life (See 2 Timothy 3:12).
- The world will hate us because they hated Jesus Christ, it is part of the suffering.
- The devil and his minions will oppose us because they opposed God and His kingdom, it is part of the suffering.
- The world will hate us for preaching the good news, it is part of the suffering.
- The seed of the devil will fight the seed of God because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve, it is part of the suffering.
- Some of our closest neighbours will become our enemies because we belong to the kingdom of light, it is part of the suffering.
- There are some things you cannot do when you become a believer in Christ Jesus, it is part of the suffering.
- There are some places you cannot go when you become a believer in Christ Jesus, it is part of the suffering.
- There are some movies, books and music you cannot read and listen to when you become a believer in Christ Jesus, it is part of the suffering.
Child of God, never give
up because your reward is more excellent. Get my book, “Keep Quiet and Let Me Follow Jesus Christ,” for a more
profound revelation.
All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all
things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.
1 Corinthians 10:23 KJV
The Apostle emphasized to
the church in Corinth that all things are lawful unto him. The reason he said
that is because he was a Roman citizen. Second, he is a man with
desires so he can choose his desires, but he further stated that it is not
everything that builds his spiritual life.
In other words, the Apostle
is saying that he is at liberty to do anything, but the Holy Spirit limits him because
of Jesus Christ. Because of Jesus Christ and the Church, he cannot do certain
things. Whatever he does must glorify the kingdom of God.
If you want to become a
complete believer in Jesus Christ, there are some things you must sacrifice.
Maybe you loved to gossip, fight, fornicate, and attend night clubs. It is time
you stop those things because when you become a Christian, you cannot do what
the unbelievers do. Everything we do must glorify God.
You are a new Creature in
Jesus Christ and you must conform to the kingdom rules (Holy Bible). There are some things
the Word (Holy Bible) restrains us from (See Matthew 6:33). It may be painful for you because of
the joy you had when you were in the world.
If you cannot pay the
price to suffer for the kingdom, count God’s holiness out of your life. Jesus
Christ could command a legion of angels to strike the Romans, Sadducees,
children, unbelievers, and Pharisees when they were mocking and crucifying Him, but He had to endure. Jesus had the power to stop the injustice done at him in
His ministry, yet He endured it. It was part of the suffering.
Because Jesus Christ paid
the price of suffering, He holds the key of death and Hell. At the mention of
the name Jesus, every knee bow! No one is qualified to open the seventh seal
except Jesus Christ (the Lion of the tribe of Juda). Jesus defeated Satan and
conquered sin in His human nature, and today He has given us the power to overcome.
Let us pay the price of
suffering because it is for a season. When we pass through the pain, God will
clothe us with the garment of holiness. Hallelujah!
To be Continued…
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