At the beginning of the
year, Prophet Saadu Savaraj Sundar of Jesus Ministries gave a prophecy and said
that 2020 is going to be a year of preparation for the coming revival. The unfolding of the year truly validates that prophecy for believers that are
discerning of times and seasons.
SEPARATION is a principal
secret in PREPARATION. There has never been a great man who was used by God in
influencing His world that was not given to preparation by separating Himself
from things and people that will be a source of distraction.
Our father Abraham
had to leave his father's house to an unknown land God would show Him; John the
Baptist separated Himself in the wilderness until the day of his shewing to
Israel, Jesus was in the wilderness before the commencement of His public
The disciples of Jesus separated themselves also in the upper room
and waited for the baptism of the Holy Spirit before launching out into God's
call for their lives, Apostle Paul separated Himself in the wilderness of
Arabia to seek the Lord before He got the revelation of Grace, the finished
works of Jesus.
The lockdown caused by
Covid-19 is not totally a disadvantage. In fact, it is an advantage for a lot of
believers that God will be using in the end-time revival and for you too,
because you are among those God will be using to do His will and establish His
kingdom on earth in this end time.
The lockdown has caused
a temporary separation between you and some of your friends for those still in
school. The lockdown has given you the opportunity to seek God passionately
until He reveals His definite assignment for your life to you and the
strategies to fulfill that assignment and purpose. This is an opportunity to
know the Holy Spirit better and go deeper in your walk with God.
Time is one of the
greatest assets a man can ever have on earth. Time is only of value to the
LIVING, time is of no essence to those in the grave. There is no one who
desires a closer walk with God that will not be ready to invest His time in
seeking the Lord.
The lockdown has provided us with time; it is wise to
invest time in doing things of eternal benefits during this lockdown. One out
of several other things you can be doing is SEEKING THE LORD by waiting on Him
in prayers, the study of the Bible, reading of relevant spiritual books,
listening to sermons from proven and genuine ministers of God, knowing the
person of the Holy Spirit and mastering the art of fellowshipping with God (i.e.
speaking and hearing Him speak back to you). THIS IS A TIME TO KNOW GOD FOR
YOURSELF. Daniel 11:32.
Like I would always say; Time used in seeking the
Lord is not Time wasted; neither is it time spent. It is TIME INVESTED. There
is a direct relationship between the usage of your time and life. This brings
the word "LIFETIME" into focus.
1. Time wasted is LIFE
2. Time spent is LIFE
3. Time invested is LIFE
Ephesians 5:14-16 (NIV)
says "For it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is
said: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on
you. [15] Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise BUT AS WISE, [16]
MAKING the MOST of EVERY OPPORTUNITY, because the days are evil."
Permit me to put verse 16
this way :
"Making the most of
this lockdown, because there is a coming revival and the kingdom of darkness is
raging with endtime storms too." See you in greater glory
after this lockdown. We will not be few that will burn for Jesus.
Written by Adefemi Eneji Victor
#Winning the World for
Christ Articles
#Endtime Crusader
Reaching the World with
the True Knowledge of Jesus
Edited by Henry Corporations
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