Texts: Matthew 25:31-46, Revelation
20:11-15, 2 Corinthians 5:10
Before we go deeper into the message, I want us to study
the words of the song below carefully.
1. There's a great day coming,
A great day coming,
There's a great day coming by and by;
When the saints and the sinners
Shall be parted right and left,
Are you ready for that day to come?
Are you ready? Are you ready?
Are you ready for the judgment day?
Are you ready? Are you ready?
For the judgment day?
2. There's a bright day coming,
A bright day coming,
There's a bright day coming by and by;
But its brightness shall only
Come to them that love the Lord,
Are you ready for the day to come?
3. There's a sad day coming,
A sad day
There's a sad
day coming by and by;
When the
sinner shall hear his doom,
I know ye not,"
Are you ready
for that day to come?
The Message
What is Judgement?
Judgement is the faculty of judging or deciding
rightly, justly or wisely. It means THE LAST SENTENCE.
What is Judgement day?
Judgement day is the last judgement, Final Judgement, the
final trial of all humankind, both the living and the dead by God expected to
take place at the end of the world when each is rewarded or punished according
to his or her merit.
In these two definitions above, let's explicit the
bolded words for us to know what is at stake for us all.
THE LAST SENTENCE: The last sentence
in the judgement of God is an irreversible sentence. Once it is pronounced from
the mouth of God, the judge, nothing again can reverse it. It is FINAL and
this last sentence from God is right, just and wise because God can never make
a mistake.
REWARDED: This means a recompense
that you are given because you have done something good or worked hard.
PUNISHED: This means to make
somebody suffer because they have broken the law or do something wrong
MERIT: This means the quality
of being good and deserving praise, reward or admiration.
Questions to answer
- What will be pronounced from the mouth of God to you like the last sentence?
- Are you sure to get rewarded after your living in the world or punishment awaits you?
- Are you good enough to be merited?
The WORD in 2 Corinthians 5:10 affirmed it that we
shall all appear before the judgement seat of Christ to receive the reward of
what we have done in the flesh either good or bad and we can also see it
manifesting in Matthew 25:31-46 where Jesus separated His Sheep from the goats.
At this time, I know that you know what sheep means
and goat as well when it comes to spiritual matters. On that Great Judgement
Morning, where will you be categorized? The sheep side or the goat side?
To be on the sheep side, what is expected of us all is
already stated in that text which I summarized to be called showing LOVE. This word LOVE was also what JESUS emphasized on when
He came in the flesh according to Matthew 22:36-39. In His teaching on the
mountain, He even made it clear that we should love our enemy, pray for those
who persecute us and others. (See Matthew 5:44).
If we practice genuine love among ourselves and those
who persecute us, the last sentence of God to us which is the final statement
would be favourable to us for eternity, but if we practice the opposite of love
or practice love in pretence, we will have ourselves to be blamed at the last
sentence of God towards us.
One thing you must remember, the Great Judgement
Morning is the final judgement and any pronunciation that comes out from the
mouth of God as the last sentence will put you in what we call ETERNITY.
Now in which eternity will the last sentence of God
send you to? The book of Revelation 20:15 says And whosoever was not found
written in the book of Life was cast into the lake of fire." Why is their
name not written in the book of Life?
Their name was not written because they are not
worthy enough just as the foolish virgins were not worthy to enter with the
Bridegroom when He came. What makes them not to be worthy? They were not worthy
because they saw no need to prepare for extra oil to keep their lamp burning.
My fellow Comrades, only those who have prepared an
extra oil to keep their lamp burning would be fortunate at the Great Judgement
Morning. Sometimes ago, a brethren was telling me that someone even a minister
was telling her to go and reduce her holiness. That word is from the pit of
hell. Another also said that a pastor confronted him that does holiness also
concerns money matters? Brethren, those who said these two statements I brought
in here do not know the usefulness of extra oil.
Note this that your extra oil would be a saving grace
for you on the Great Judgement Morning and if you do not possess it before that
day, YOU ARE DOOMED FOREVER. I can see that you are rejecting being doomed
forever but please, make sure you have your extra oil before that great day
when there would be no opportunity for you to make an amendment.
Remember what happened to those foolish virgins when
they eventually came back, Jesus said: "Verily I say unto you, I know you
not". Jesus denied them because they failed to do what they were expected do at
the right time. Beloved, what is the extra oil that you have not gotten, get
them now before this UNKNOWN DAY would come upon you like a thief in the night.
Brethren, one thing that I must remind you is that THE
LAKE OF FIRE was not created for you (Matthew 25:41) but the KINGDOM OF GOD
(Matthew 25:34). Please, don't allow the devil to cheat you and take away your
right from you.
He is doomed already and cannot be saved again, but
you are precious in the sight of God, that is why you are still alive and
fortunate to be reading this message. God is waiting patiently for you to
repent from those sins you are still indulging yourself in and can put you in
everlasting punishment. (2 Peter 3:9). What is your decision now? Are you ready to come back
to God or you just want to give your life to Christ to escape from eternal
punishment on the Great Judgement Morning?
Say this prayer:
Lord Jesus, I surrender all my life to you, am sorry
for all my sins, am sorry for wasting the opportunity you have been giving me
to repent, I come to you this hour, forgive me all my sins and show me mercy,
destroy in me the man of sin and possess me with your spirit.
Blot out my name
from the book of destruction and write my name in the book of Life. As from
today on, you are my Lord. Thank you for saving me. In Jesus Christ name, I
prayed. Amen.
Written by Ayanfeoluwa Busayo John
Edited by Henry Corporations
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