The Top Fifteen Things that Destroys the Purpose and life of Mankind (1)

Loved one in Christ
Jesus, I believe you are growing in the Lord. I want to unveil to you the top
fifteen things that destroy the purpose and life of humankind. Many people have
become useless in life because they were ignorant of this wisdom keys.
I will briefly explain this wisdom keys to you to enable you to become purposeful in life.
Share this lesson with your loved ones because these keys will change your life
and your loved ones positively. There are a lot of things
that destroy the purpose of men (includes women). These things become a barrier to some people's life on earth. Below are some reasons people fail in life.
1. Love for Money.

Money is one of the most valuable
assets on earth. Without money, we cannot do certain things in life. For
example, money helps us to acquire our basic needs and wants. We use the money
to do many things in our life. We cannot ignore money as far as we live on this
We cannot do some things in life without money. The fact is, many people have become prostitutes, thieves, and serial killers, because of the love of money. The holy scripture states that the
love of money is the root of all evil. Think of Ted Bundy, Harold Shipman, Luis Garavito, and the rest. The scripture makes it crystal clear.
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted
after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many
1 Timothy 6:10 KJV
Take the Word as it is.
Money is not evil. It is the love of money that makes humankind evil. People have
become slaves to money to the extent of killing their loved ones emotionally,
physically, and spiritually.
Do you know that some people have become second
class (racism) citizens in some countries because of money? Most Africans travel to European
countries and some developed countries and work like slaves because of money. Families
have been destroyed because of money.
Can you imagine married couples living in separate places because of
money? Some children hardly see their parents because their parents have become
slaves to money. Get me right; I am not condemning hard work. We must work effectively
to become successful.
We must not allow money
to separate us from our family and loved ones. Don’t become a slave to money
because money is just a piece of paper made of wood. All the money that we are
struggling for will not follow us to our grave. The wise man writes.
How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get
understanding rather to be chosen than silver!
Proverbs 16:16 KJV
The richest man (Solomon)
that ever lived said, it is better to acquire wisdom than to get gold. If the
richest man that ever-lived states in the Word of God that we must love wisdom
more than money, then we must accept the truth.
- Do you know that some people are bedridden in hospitals and homes because of their love of money?
- Do you know that some people have died prematurely because of the love of money?
- Do you know that some married couples have divorced because of their love of money?
- Do you know that some children in some families have become vagabonds in societies because of the love of money?
- Do you know that some gifted people full of potentials have become slaves to the devil because of the love of money?
- Do you know that some families have become an arena of the battle because of the love of money?
- Do you know that some people have joined vicious occult groups and other evil societies because of the love of money?
The list goes on. I am
not writing this article to discourage hard work; neither am I writing this article to
encourage people with a poverty mindset and lazy attitude. I am not writing this article to discourage
people that are determined to make a positive change on earth.
I am writing this article because I don’t want
you to become a slave to money. Money plays a vital role in our lives, but it
has limitations. Do you know that most rich people commit suicide despite their
wealth? I pity people who die because of money. Most lazy youthful men and
women visit shrines and join demonic groups because of money.
Some people use demonic
powers to deceive the children of God in churches because of money. On earth, money may rule but
not in heaven. God and His angels do not value money as some people treasure it
with all their hearts.
In God’s kingdom, He uses
the gold, diamonds, topaz, sapphire, and other valuable things we treasure on
earth as His materials for building roads, houses, and factories. This should
let you understand that money is nothing in the sight of God.
Don’t become a slave to
money because it is temporal. I am not writing this article to discredit the value of money. Money is good, but it is not the ultimate. There are many things in
life we can do without money.
All you need is divine
wisdom. If you have the wisdom and knowledge to solve people’s problems, the money
will follow you. If you can provide a service or pursue your God-given
assignment, the money will follow. Don’t allow the love of money to dominate
you. As the holy scripture records, the love of money is the root of all evil.
A significant number of
people have earthly treasures, but they cannot sleep. Some cannot serve God
truthfully because of money. Some people do not have peace of mind because they are afraid evil
people will attack them.
When you miss the principles and the spiritual root of money, you miss the route and become a slave to money. It is like a rat race. Almost every man or woman with the right senses desires financial freedom. Some people believe that the more they acquire college certificates, the higher their salary. You cannot serve two
masters at the same time (See Luke 16:13).
Pursue your purpose, and money will
follow you. Help others, and money will follow you. Even if you don't get money when you fulfill your real assignment, you miss nothing. Do you know that people are working for organizations they don't love but they are still there because of money?
If you love to preach, do business, write books, act godly movies, design arts, entertain others, sing, and help others, do it from your heart. When you do the positive things you love to do, you lose nothing because it makes you fulfilled. Why should you allow money to rule and torment you like a slave?
Never allow the love of
money to control you, and you will overcome the storms of life. Get my
series of books. These books will give you more wisdom keys to enable you to plan
and pursue a purposeful life.
2. Lust for Power.

The second thing that
destroys man is the lust for power. Almost every man desire power. I have never
seen a man or a woman who does not desire freedom. Everybody wants to be
himself. Everybody wants to do what pleases him.
Power makes a man unstoppable,
dangerous, authoritative, famous, and influential. It is said that if you want
to know the character of a man, give him power. People visit strange places to
get power because it makes them relevant. Many people desire leadership
positions in various organizations all because of power.
Some people want to
become politicians because they believe they will get power over others. Some people
believe that when they get power, they can use that position to deal with their
enemies. Power comes in different ways.
- One can acquire power through fasting and prayers (sacrifice). I call it divine or spiritual power.
- One can acquire power through intensive studies and research (Intellectual power).
- One can acquire power through politics.
- One can acquire power with physical strength.
- One can acquire power through birth and family lineage.
- One can acquire power through his gifts and potentials.
- Some people acquire power through seduction, domination, and manipulation.
- One can acquire power through delegation.
- One can acquire power through age and experience.
- One can acquire power through influence.
- One can acquire power through a leadership position.
- One can acquire power through money.
There are many ways to acquire
power. The question we must ask ourselves is, why do we seek power? Is it
because of jealousy, influence, fame, credibility, wickedness, or authority? Destructively
seeking power brings war and disaster.
Some people have gone far
to destroy the lives of innocent people because of power. Most politicians in
African countries have led people into bloodshed warfare because of power. Think of Adolf Hitler, Sadam Hussein, Idi Amin, Mao Zedong, and the rest. The
greatest power one can ever attain is spiritual and intellectual power. If you
have spiritual power, God supports you. Intellectual power has its dynamics.
In government, there are dynamics of power in the field of the judiciary, executive, and legislative board. Divine wisdom also has its operation in the field of power. Some people also acquire power through
lesser gods.
- Don’t kill the innocent because of power.
- Don’t destroy the destinies of people because of power.
- Don’t join that demonic group because of power.
Have you seen a corpse
before? All the power you are desiring will end on your death bed. We came to
this earth with nothing. We shall leave with nothing. It is our contribution that counts. Never allow power to
destroy your life and your loved ones. Know these truths.
- Some people travel far to sacrifice human beings because they need the power to embark on their evil plans.
- Some people are mad on the street because they desired power.
- Precious lives have been destroyed because of power.
- Some families, towns, tribes, cultures, and countries are living under curses because of power.
- Some countries cannot use their natural resources to develop their nations because of power.
Some leaders
will use the nation’s resources to acquire power than to use it to build the
nation and the lives of the people.
- Are you a victim of power?
- Are you planning to kill because of power?
- Have you thought about the next generation, your family, and your eternal destination?
Never allow power to
destroy your assignment and those connected to you because power is temporal. Use power wisely!
To be Continued…
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