My Vision on the Spiritual State of the Muslims and the Mosque

On January 9, 2021, I had a vision, I saw
myself heading towards a mosque. When I entered the mosque, I couldn't believe
my eyes. I saw many young men, of whom I could discern most of them were
northerners (a region in Ghana where most of the neighbors are Muslims). Some
were sleeping (on the floor) inside the mosque with no virtue of hope.
I saw women; some were old,
men and older men, sleeping inside the mosque and looking at their hopeless
state, they had no helper. Inside the mosque, it looked very filthy and gibberish. Some of the
young men had big and dirty blankets covering their whole body whiles they
I could discern inside
the mosque that it was smelly, so the young men and older women covered their
whole body with the dirty blanket. Inside the mosque, I saw gutters with polluted water mixed with rusted materials passing through the mosque.
I could also discern that
it had rain inside the mosque and the people and materials inside the mosque
looked wet, untidy, and filthy. The whole place looked very filthy. I can compare
the interior of the mosque to a public garbage area where people dump their
As I passed through the
mosque, I was crying inside my heart for the hopeless Muslims and Imams resting
hopelessly inside the dirty mosque. When I got outside the mosque, I decided to
call a friend to come and witness what I saw in the mosque.
After contacting my
friend, I decided to take him inside the dirty mosque. To my surprise, I saw
some children with their parents and some other wealthy Muslims inside the
Mosque. Inside the mosque, it looked beautiful. I was shocked because the
surrounding has changed.
As I contemplated in the
spirit, I realized the Muslims try to show a clean faith outwardly, but most of
them are oppressed and hopeless inside the faith. The changes I saw in the
mosque were an appeal to join them or see how beautiful their religion is, but
deep within the Islamic faith, they were in deep darkness, naked and full of
Word of wisdom to Muslims and my friends who are in the Islamic faith.
I am not writing this
vision to humiliate Muslims. I love Muslims because most of them are sincere
about their faith. I have friends who are Muslims; I share my faith with them. My
friends, who are also Muslims, also share their faith with me.
I believe God showed me
this vision because He wants us (Christians believers) to intercede for our
friends in the Islamic faith. My fellow brethren in the Christ Jesus, don't
fight or condemn the Muslims, pagans, and people of a different faith because their spiritual state is weak.
Muslims and other religious people need our prayers to
help them come out of the deception and oppression of the devil. Remember the Muslims in your
country and community in prayers because God wants them to know the true faith
The surrounding which I
saw the Muslims is a symbol of spiritual poverty and demonic oppression. The
only way out for our Muslim neighbors and other religious people is to love them and pray for them in our secret
Testimonies of Muslims who became Christians
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