How to Activate the Presence of the Holy Spirit (5)

Loved one in Christ
Jesus, I believe you are growing in the strength of the Lord. The Holy Spirit
has been speaking to me about some activities taking place in the spiritual
realm. Get prepared because Christ Jesus is coming for His children.
You must know the
difference between children of God, creatures of God, and children of the devil.
Children of God follow the footsteps of Christ Jesus while creatures of God
walk outside the path of Christ Jesus. The children of the devil follow the
deceptive orders of evil spirits.
As we wait for our
Saviour and Lord Christ Jesus, stay close to the Holy Spirit because He is our
Guide, Helper, and Deliverer. Don't solely depend on humankind because they
have limitations. Put all your trust in the Christ Jesus and His Word because
He is not a man that He should deceive.
God will never change
His plans He has for us (Meditate on Numbers 23:19). You have to walk in the
path of the Holy Spirit and obey the Word of God to enable you to remain under
the umbrella of Christ Jesus.
Have you realized that
parents, guardians, and loved ones express love if you walk in obedience? If
your loved ones can express love towards you when you walk in obedience, how
much God who created you for His pleasure (Meditate on Luke 11:11-13).
God desires that we
walk in abundance, peace, and joy (Meditate on Jeremiah 29:11). He has given us
His Word to follow. Ignorance of God’s Word limits you in your walk with the
Holy Spirit.
God has hidden His
plans, wisdom, and vision for our lives in His Word. If you want to know God's
will (plan and purpose) for your life, search the Holy Scriptures. You don't
have to pray for some things if you know what God says about it in the Holy
Scriptures. Know these truths.
- Healing is your birthright as a child of the living God.
- Success is your birthright as a child of the living God.
- Joy is your birthright as a child of the living God.
- Peace is your birthright as a child of the living God.
- Favour is your birthright as a child of the living God.
- Long life is your birthright as a child of the living God.
- Prosperity is your birthright as a child of the living God.
If you are a citizen of
a specific country, you enjoy the benefits of that country. All non-citizens
are excluded from the benefits because the government does not recognize them.
The same applies to you as a Christian believer.
You must search for the
promises of God that speak about these blessings and fulfill your duty. You
must understand that some promises of God recorded in the Holy Scriptures have
This is one reason; I
write in detail about how to connect with God’s blessings in most of my books
and articles. Reading from the Holy Scriptures, I realized that Christ Jesus
occasionally separated from the crowd and His disciples to a lonely place to
commune with His Heavenly Father.
Within His disciples,
Jesus the Christ chose three closest men. Christ Jesus did that because He knew
the secrets of the spiritual realm. Christ Jesus allowed Peter, John, and James
to draw closer to Him because they had some spiritual atmosphere He needed for
the ministry.
Christ Jesus spent
quality time with the Heavenly Father because He needed to communicate with the
Holy Spirit. Christian believers that have no time with the Holy Spirit are
nominal vessels.
As a Christian believer,
you must spend quality time with the Holy Spirit in your chambers to enable you
to create a strong spiritual atmosphere. In my spiritual life, I spend quality
time with the Holy Spirit, worshipping and praising the Lord.
The more I spend
quality time with the Holy Spirit through fasting, prayers, meditation, and spiritual
songs, I feel sensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. On my phone,
I have downloaded anointed Christian songs.
I listen to them
occasionally. The more I listen to these Spirit-filled songs; the Holy Spirit regenerates
me with joy, peace, love, and faith. Although
I have many schedules, I wake up in the middle of the night to pray.
I evangelize in my neighborhood
in the twilight with my megaphone. I preach to tertiary students and people in
public buses during the day. I have to attend to my online ministries and
respond to some relevant questions.
Although I have some
online ministers and helpers that assist me with my online ministry, I
sacrifice my time to check on my social media platforms for important updates. I
schedule my time to write books and articles and listen to essential messages.
I have a lot of books
piled up in my room and phone. Some Christian writers and ministers of the
gospel send their books to me to read and review. Reading takes a lot of time. With
these activities consuming my precious time, I have to dedicate quality time to
pray, fast, and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
One thing I have
realized about my spiritual life is that the more I fellowship with the Holy
Spirit, I feel the presence of God. The Holy Spirit always reveals God's
activities and the devil's activities to enable me to stay vigilant.
I remember I fasted for
some days and nights, and the Holy Spirit commanded me to avoid listening to
some ministers of the gospel and activities. Some ministers of the gospel I
have listened to and followed; some laid their hands on me in the spiritual
In the spiritual realm,
a man of God in Ghana poured anointing oil on my head while I was ministering God’s
Word to some tertiary students in a church meeting. I could feel the love of
Christ Jesus in the minister’s heart as He poured the anointing oil on my head.
I believe the Holy
Spirit was anointing me through that minister of God. The Holy Spirit spoke to
me to follow the man who poured anointed oil on me. Some people around this
minister of God were not happy with me because I could discern their hearts.
One singer of this anointed
minister is full of love. As she embraced me in the spirit, I felt love (agape)
flowing from her heart. Discerning the Spirit realm, I saw that most of the people
surrounding the gospel minister were not happy with me joining them.
The Holy Spirit has
revealed to me the good and the bad side of several ministers of the gospel in
the spiritual realm. He has revealed the secrets of my heart in the spiritual
realm, and I'm praying to God to transform my heart.
The Holy Spirit has
used a minister of God to rebuke me in the spiritual realm through the Holy
Scriptures. When I confirmed from the Holy Scriptures the Word the minister of
God spoke to me in the spirit, it was profound.
Some ministers of the
gospel attacked me in the spirit. Some ministers of the gospel I followed in
the spiritual realm led me to dangerous battlegrounds. I find it challenging to
write some visions the Holy Spirit revealed because I cannot find the exact
words to describe them.
Some ministers of the
gospel are passionate and compassionate in the heart. In the natural, these
ministers look strict, yet they are sympathetic in the heart. Some ministers of
the gospel carry the Jezebel spirit.
Most of the visions the
Holy Spirit revealed to me came while I was fasting and praying. Some of these
ministers are famous on youtube. Some ministers of the gospel have strange
powers in their eyes.
I cannot explain
whether these eyes are evil or good. Some of them have pure love (agape) in
their heart. Some ministers of the gospel are mysterious in the spirit realm. On
the earth realm, they look innocent, but in the spiritual realm, they are
In the spiritual realm,
some ministers of the gospel lust for dominance and money. I remember I had a
vision about a prosperous minister of the gospel and his wife living in the
USA. The wife was delivering the husband (prosperous minister) in the church.
Some strange things
happened in this prosperous minister's church while the woman was delivering
the prosperous minister. In the vision, the Lord revealed that the woman was
more spiritual than the husband (minister of the gospel). The minister of the
gospel needed deliverance from her wife (also a minister of the gospel)!
Some minister’s wives
have become stumbling blocks to their husbands because of some attitudes they
portray. If you are a minister of the gospel, pray that God surrounds your
family with the fire of the Holy Spirit because the devil can use your wife and
loved ones to stop you from accessing specific blessings in the kingdom.
Your wife can become a
channel of blessings if you apply wisdom and knowledge in the relationship. Some
ministers of the gospel, too, anytime I listen to them, I receive strange
attacks in the spirit.
I remember listening to
a minister of the gospel in the evening. After his sermon, I saw God delivering
me from the spirit of the graveyard and death. I knew the devil planned to
murder me, but God delivered me!
Some ministers of the
gospel, too, anytime I listen to them, I see myself being attacked by the
graveyard spirit. Anytime I'm about to listen to these ministers of the gospel,
I think twice. Some ministers of God assisted me in the spirit while I was
fasting and praying.
This minister of God
directed me to pray a specific prayer. I could discern in the spirit that this
minister of God was a general in spiritual warfare. Some ministers of the
gospel pulpit are full of blood.
You must not honour
every invitation a minister of the gospel gives you. Receive confirmation from
the Holy Spirit before you honour an invitation. One sign you are with a
genuine minister of God is the peace and joy the Holy Spirit allows you to
experience when you communicate with the vessel.
Anytime you feel
uncomfortable in the presence of somebody, you are with the wrong person or
contaminated environment. Vacate such a place in wisdom. There are several
visions the Holy Spirit has revealed to me I have not published because I need
God has chosen a
shepherd for every Christian believer. You have to identify your spiritual leader
and follow him as he follows Christ Jesus. It’s my prayer; the Holy Spirit
helps you locate the true shepherd. Encountering the right shepherd will help
you fulfill God's plan for your life. Know these truths.
- Without Elijah, Elisha would not have discovered his ministry.
- Without Moses, Joshua and other Israelites would not have risen higher in the ministry.
- Without Apostle Paul, Timothy would not have discovered his ministry.
- Without the twelve disciples of Christ Jesus, Apostle Paul would not have been recognized in the ministry.
- Without the baptism of John the Baptist, Christ Jesus would not have received open heaven.
God works with laws.
You must identify the route and follow the path. The name you carry has a
significant impact on your life.
Until God changes your
name in the spiritual realm, you remain the same. If your names carry curses,
break that cursed names through prayers. The kingdom of God works with divine
laws, and these laws work if you fulfill your part.
Sometimes I feel some
people doubt whether the Holy Spirit used me to write the articles on my
website and e-books. The truth is, I paid the price and the Holy Spirit poured
His wisdom and anointing on my life.
People from different
parts of the world contact me through e-mail and social media platforms,
thanking me for writing the books and articles. Some people write to me about
how my books have blessed their lives.
Several people from
different parts of the world write to me through e-mails requesting my free
books. I remember a man from one of the African countries pressured me to send
him over fifteen of my e-books in pdf.
I wrote to him to buy
my books on Amazon, but he insisted on paying me online for the books. He sent
me the funds through Western Union Money Transfer, and I sent him the requested
books. One reason I allowed this transaction was that I could discern his
spiritual hunger for my books.
I always give the glory
to Christ Jesus because He is the wisdom behind the books and articles I write.
God has great things in store for His children, and at the right time, He will
reveal them. In God’s kingdom, Sin has
no room. God used His archangels to drive Satan and the disobedient angels out
of heaven because the Holy Spirit cannot live in an atmosphere of sin.
In the Celestial City,
righteousness, holiness, and truth are the rulers. The unquenchable light
shines in every corner of Heaven. This is one reason I want to share with you
how you can activate the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Knowing these truths
will help you draw closer to the Holy Spirit. Your spiritual life will be
stable if you apply the divine principles I’m about to share with you in this
article. You can read my series of books for more profound revelations.
The Principle of Holiness and Righteousness and Its Effects in the Spiritual Realm
Holiness is the true
nature of God the Father, the Son (Christ Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. If you want
the Holy Spirit to dominate your surroundings, pursue Holiness. You can
download and read my free book, How to Become a Perfect Believer in Christ Jesus, for more profound revelations.
Holiness means you set
yourself apart for Christ Jesus and the church all the days of your life. Apostle
Paul wrote to a sect of Jewish believers.
Follow peace with all
men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
12:14 KJV
Holiness begins when
you repent and accept Christ Jesus as your Saviour and Lord of your life.
Christ Jesus becomes the Lord of your life (business, family, job, and career).
Some people only see Christ Jesus as their Saviour.
Christ Jesus is also our Lord. It takes the blood of Christ Jesus
to make an individual righteous. Without the seal of Christ Jesus righteousness
on your spiritual garment, you cannot stand in the throne room of God.
Holiness begins when we
live in peace with our neighbours and walk in humility. Without holiness, the
Holy Spirit cannot express more of Himself to you. If you want to experience
the power, anointing, wisdom, favour, and grace of the Holy Spirit, set
yourself apart for Christ Jesus and the church. You can read my series of books for more profound revelations.
Holiness works with our
level of knowledge in God’s Word, the level of our purity and sanctification,
the conditions of our heart, and how ready we are to submit to the counsels of
the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.
Without the fear of
God, you cannot walk in holiness. You can read my book, The Mysteries of Fear, for a more profound revelation. Loving and pursuing
the kingdom's righteousness activates the presence of the Holy Spirit.
When you hate sin and
separate yourself from accursed materials, the Holy Spirit reveals Himself to
you. When your heart is pure, you open the door for the Holy Spirit to move in.
Some people have allowed bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy, and anger to
dominate their hearts so the Holy Spirit cannot access them.
If you want the Holy
Spirit to fill every part of your life, pray for a meek Spirit. Fervently pray
for a new heart because the Holy Spirit cannot live in a hardened and corrupted
heart. Pray to the Heavenly and pressure the Holy Spirit to mold you into an
honorable vessel.
Now the works of the
flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness,
Idolatry, witchcraft,
hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
Envyings, murders,
drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I
have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not
inherit the kingdom of God.
5:19-21 KJV
Some Christians have
allowed the desires of the flesh to dominate them to the extent they cannot
walk with the Holy Spirit. A Christian who has no control over his flesh cannot
walk with the Holy Spirit. The fruits of the Spirit must manifest in your life.
- Are you living in rebellion?
- Do you cherish the things of this world above Christ Jesus and the church?
- Do you live in hatred, malice, bitterness, anger, and jealousy?
- Are you swimming in the pool of sexual immorality?
- Are you morally pure?
- Are you lustful of people's gifts and possessions?
- Are you shameless of your evil deeds?
- Do you serve another god apart from Christ Jesus?
- Are you using magical objects in your workplace, homes, and surroundings?
- Do you have hatred for your neighbour?
- Do you fight with your neighbours in the workplace, homes, and surroundings?
- Are you an angry and quarrelsome person?
- Do you stir troubles in families and friends?
- Are you a Pharisee type of Christian?
If yes to any of these
questions, the Holy Spirit cannot live with you. Repent from these habits if you want the Holy
Spirit to draw closer to you.
…the fruit of the
Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Meekness, temperance:
against such there is no law.
5:22-23 KJV
The more you exhibit
the fruits of the Holy Spirit, He reveals Himself to you. Know these truths.
- If you want the Holy Spirit to surround you, express unconditional love (agape) to your neighbours.
- If you want the Holy Spirit to surround you, express joy in the journey of life.
- If you want the Holy Spirit to surround you, create a peaceful environment for yourself and those connected to you.
- If you want the Holy Spirit to surround you, express faith in your Christian life.
- If you want the Holy Spirit to surround you, don’t be quick to express anger.
- If you want the Holy Spirit to surround you, walk and live in humility.
- If you want the Holy Spirit to surround you, control yourself when the enemy provokes you.
- If you want the Holy Spirit to surround you, keep your heart and body from the desires of the flesh.
The angel of the LORD
encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.
34:7 KJV
God’s angels surround vessels
that reverence the Word, so if you want the Holy Spirit to cover you, reverence
God with all your heart.
- Have you set yourself apart for Christ Jesus and the church?
- Do you love the Word of God with all your heart?
- Do you walk and live in the obedience of God’s Word?
- Do you hate sin?
If yes to any of these questions,
get ready for the Holy Spirit.
To be continued…
How to Activate the Presence of the Holy Spirit (4)...
Practical, tried and tested ways to see in the spiritual realm and operate perfectly in the and prophetic and Seer realm.
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