How to Activate the Presence of the Holy Spirit (8)

Loved one in Christ
Jesus, I believe you are growing in the strength of the Lord. Life is a school so learn from your
experiences. If you are the type of person that cannot survive or walk through difficulties,
oppositions, pain, joy, and troubles, you cannot lead people.
You cannot understand
people in life if you have not passed through the storms of life.
This is one reason God allows humankind to experience some pain, troubles, and
opposition in life. When you pass through pain, resistance, and challenges, it
builds your future and mind for creativity.
When you survive pain,
you break the childish habit and walk in the steps of giants. When I lived with
my parents, I thought life was comfortable because I did not pay bills and
provide for my basic needs and wants.
When I left my parent's
house and lived independently, life's challenges trained me to reason like a
man. First, I have to pay for my bills, house rent and provide all my needs and
wants. Then, I have to make important decisions on my own.
Some people cannot live
without their parents and loved ones. Such people are babies. If you want to
mature as a man, learn from your experiences and the experience (apply wisdom)
of others.
Develop the capacity to
walk through the pain because it can build you. Christ Jesus survived the false
accusation, afflictions, beatings, and condemnation of the world. Our Lord and
Saviour Christ Jesus learned obedience through suffering (See Hebrews 5:8).
Christ Jesus was not
disobedient when He walked on earth as a man. Through the storms, He grew in
knowledge and wisdom and walked with His Heavenly Father. Today, Christ Jesus
reigns in the whole world.
Christ Jesus is the
King of Kings and Lord of Lords, but He chose to suffer for our salvation
(Meditate on Romans 5:8). His sufferings and pains gave Him the highest victory
crown. Therefore, at the mention of Christ Jesus name, every knee bows, and
every tongue confesses that He is Lord (See Philippians 2:10).
Christ Jesus is not a
Lord; He is LORD. He is LORD over all Lords and KING over all Kings. His
Kingdom endures forever. All things will pass away, but the Word shall never
depart. The mansions, airplanes, cars,
trains, beautiful roads, natural resources, and treasures we see on this earth
will pass away, but Jesus (the Word) shall never pass away (See Matthew 24:35
and John 1:1-14).
Without Christ Jesus,
you remain in darkness (misery, confusion, curses, corruption, and
hopelessness). Christ Jesus is the joy and the peace the world is searching
for. Until you find Jesus, you remain in your dark dungeon (confusion state).
Why don't you repent
and confess Christ Jesus into your life? When Christ Jesus comes into your
heart, He renews your spirit. He washes you of all your sin and clothes you in
His righteousness (See 2 Corinthians 5:17, Isaiah 1:18).
No man, prophet, king,
leader, and god can save you from destruction except Christ Jesus because He
holds the key to life and death. Jesus Christ is the light of the whole world.
No darkness can subdue His light.
His unquenchable light
brings peace, joy, mercy, wisdom, prosperity, and hope. Christ Jesus has
promised us (Christian believers) mansions in the Celestial City. When our soul
and spirit permanently depart from our body, we enter the Celestial City.
The rewards in the Celestial City
are glorious and eternal. No man can steal them from you because sin has no
power in that kingdom. In that glorious and everlasting kingdom, the righteous
Judge (Christ Jesus) is the Greatest King.
You will see the
glorious angels and precious saints in that kingdom (Celestial City). In Christ
Jesus, the devil and his minions cannot kill you. If you surrender all to
Christ Jesus, He paves the way for the Holy Spirit to access you.
When the Holy Spirit
enters your heart, He teaches you God’s ways. The Holy Spirit is the best
friend you can ever have in life. He knows the plans of God for your life. He
knows and understands your weakness and strength.
The Holy Spirit can
reveal mysteries to you if you understand and follow His ways. He can explain
the Word of God to you because He is the author (Meditate on 2 Peter 1:21).
This is one reason I want to share some ways to activate His presence in your
I remember embarking on
evangelism with one of my ministry helpers in the Koforidua Technical
University hostel. After preaching the Word and praying the prayer of salvation
with the students in the room, one of the students told me he has a question.
As I listened to his words,
I observed that he was a knowledgeable Christian. He said he wanted the power
of the Holy Spirit before he can embark on evangelism. This Christian did not
realize that the Holy Spirit lives in Him.
All he needed was spiritual
activation. If this Christian could live in holiness, fast, and pray, the Holy
Spirit will activate His power in his life. I realized that this Christian
could do much in the kingdom, but He was ignorant of some spiritual principles.
The Holy Spirit lives
in every Christian believer, but it is our responsibility to activate Him. It
is like diesel and fire. Failure to add diesel to the fire (Holy Spirit) will
make the fire weak. That is how some Christians are.
The Holy Spirit is
dormant in their life because they have not added diesel to the fire (Holy
Spirit) living in them. In this article, I will share with you one practical
way to activate the presence of the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, most Christians
only preach this principle but do not practice it.
Effectual Power of love in the Spiritual Realm
If I speak in the
tongues of men and of angels, but I do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a
clanging cymbal.
And if I have prophecy,
and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so that I can
remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
If I give away
everything I own, and if I give over my body in order to boast,[a] but do not have
love, I receive no benefit.
Love is patient, love
is kind, it is not envious. Love does not brag, it is not puffed up.
It is not rude, it is
not self-serving, it is not easily angered or resentful.
It is not glad about
injustice, but rejoices in the truth.
It bears all things,
believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never ends…
Corinthians 13:1-8 (NET BIBLE)
It is said that love is
the oldest religion in the world. Almost every religion preaches about love.
However, the truth is, many people do not understand and express love. You can
read my article, Types of love
for more profound revelations. The unbelievers only operate in erotic and
conditional love. Know these truths.
- Real love is unconditional.
- Real love gives without expectation.
- Real love emanates from the sanctified human heart.
- Real love sacrifices.
- Real love leads to deliverance.
- Real love does not lead to sin.
- Real love builds.
- Real love brings unity.
- Real love gives.
- Real love brings the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Wherever real love
rules, the Holy Spirit dominates. If you want the Holy Spirit to dominate your
jurisdiction, create an atmosphere of love. Suspect anyone who brings disunity,
jealousy, and evil in a group as a satanic agent because the Holy Spirit is not
the promoter of sin.
Anytime you see someone
causing disunity among the brethren, that person does not want the Holy Spirit
to dominate the place (Meditate on James 3:16). Therefore, such a person needs
deliverance and counseling from anointed ministers of God.
Any church that operates in pure love activates the presence of the Holy Spirit. Christ Jesus is the complete manifestation and expression of real love. Christ Jesus is the manufacturer of real love, so anytime you exhibit the personality of Christ Jesus (love), you open the door for the Holy Spirit to dominate the jurisdiction. Below are some ways to express pure (real) love.
- You are helping the poor, and weak people in the church is a sign of pure love.
- You are investing some of your valuable assets in the church is a sign of pure love.
- You support ministers of the gospel with your finance, prayer, and connections are signs of pure love.
- Building churches for missionaries and Christian workers in rural and urban centers are signs of pure love.
- You sacrifice yourself unto God and the church as a worker (cleaner, usher, organizer, missionary, intercessor, evangelist, and any menial job within the church) is a sign of pure love.
- Preaching and teaching the Word of Salvation to the lost souls and establishing them through intercession and visitation is a sign of pure love.
- You are living in peace with your neighbors is a sign of pure love.
- Obedience to God’s Word is a sign of pure love.
You can never express
pure love if you don’t have Christ Jesus in you. Pray the prayers of salvation
to enable you to receive Christ Jesus.
When Christ Jesus comes
into your heart, you will not struggle to express love. When love dominates
your life and jurisdiction, the Holy Spirit will manifest His presence.
be continued…
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