How God Judges Cases: Understanding the Ways of God in the Courts of Heaven (5)

Loved one in Christ
Jesus, I believe you are growing in the strength of the Lord. In my previous article, I explained that
faith is one of God's systems to assess humankind. One thing I have realized
about the Christian life is that the moment you begin to work with God, and for
God, you attract enemies.
If you are not strong in
prayers and fasting, you can fall prey to the enemy's devices and backslide. I
remember in one of my evangelism; I encountered a young man the devil was
I could discern that
this young man could do great works in the house of God, but the devil was
gradually destroying him through ungodly friends and bad life. I preached to
him, and he rededicated his life to Christ Jesus.
The unbelievers ignorantly
live in darkness. They are controlled by
the god of this world (Satan) without their knowledge. Child of God, without radical evangelism, prayer, fasting and follow up, the devil will recruit innocent
souls into his kingdom.
I have realized that most
Christian believers need encouragement. Encouraging one another in the faith
builds the hope of the brethren. When you encourage the brethren, you deliver
the person from the attacks of the enemy.
When Christ Jesus interceded
for Apostle Peter, He commanded Peter to strengthen the other disciples because
discouragement weakens our faith and opens the portal for the enemy to access
our life.
Before you engage in
personal (one on one) evangelism, build yourself in the Lord because you will
encounter people full of evil spirits. If you are a man, be careful when you meet
a lady during evangelism because some of them can lure you to sexual sin or
grave evil.
The same applies to
women. Evangelizing in groups will save you from the trap of the enemy. Watching
and praying will deliver you from temptation. Building yourself in prayers and
feeding on the Word (Holy Scriptures) will make the grace of God create protection
in the season of temptation.
As I am writing this
article, I feel a strong resistance in the spirit. I sense the devil and his
minions attacking me in the spirit. I have realized that the devil is real
because the Holy Spirit has opened my spiritual eyes to see this unmerciful
dragon and his wicked minions several times.
You can read my series
of articles, Divine Principles of Spiritual Warfare and my series of books for more profound revelations. I have seen the devil, his cohorts and
operations in open visions, close visions, trance, and dreams several times so
I know what I am writing to you.
Anytime I feel (inward
witness) uncomfortable in my spirit and soul, it means that something is wrong
in the realms of the spirit. Child of God, the devil, becomes extremely angry
when you dedicate your life to work in God's kingdom.
Be prepared for
spiritual and physical battles as a Christian worker because the devil and his
minions will not leave you to work peacefully for God and His kingdom. He will
attack you through your family and loved ones.
This is one of my
greatest attacks I have received as I am writing this article. As I am writing
this article, I am fighting a series of battles in my spirit, soul and
surrounding. With Christ Jesus on our side, we are more than victorious.
Some Christians often
conclude on what their church says rather than depend on the Word of God (Holy
Scriptures). It is a great mistake to decide on what the church is saying
without verifying from the Word.
The fact that the
church or a Christian minister has endorsed something does not mean Christ
Jesus (the Word) has approved it. Search the scriptures for verification
because the Word has the final say.
You can read the lesson two and three for more profound revelations. Christ Jesus is the light of
the whole world. Without Jesus the Christ, the world is lost. You might think
the world as a whole has heard about Jesus the Christ.
If only you will go out
there and evangelize, you will recognize that people don’t know anything about
Christ Jesus and the Word (Holy Scriptures). Dedicate yourself as an evangelist
because people need the gospel.
The world needs Christ
Jesus. They need the unquenchable light. The unbelievers need Christ Jesus
because demons are tormenting them. The unbelievers need deliverance of the
mind. When you preach the Word to them with the anointing of the Holy Spirit,
the Holy Spirit will recruit them into His kingdom.
The devil has nothing
good for the world. He came to steal,
kill and destroy, but Christ Jesus came that we might have life and have it more
abundantly (See John 10:10). People die at a younger age because of willful sin
(Meditate on Romans 6:23).
The unbelievers need
eternal life (Christ Jesus). Christ Jesus is the only way to the Heavenly
Father (the King of Kings and Lord of Lords). I will write on the mysteries of
the Trinity soon so that you will understand the inner workings of God Almighty
I preached on the
mysteries of the Trinity on my YouTube channel some years ago. You can request
the private teaching through email. You can listen to the teachings of Pastor Myles Munroe on the Mysteries of the Trinity
for more profound revelations.
In this article, I will
share with you one of the ways God uses to deal with humankind or some ways God
judges cases. Knowing this divine truth will enlighten your spirit and soul.
This truth will make you understand some ways God (Yahweh) operates on the earth
One of the Invisible Systems of God’s Kingdom
God (Yahweh) is
eternal. He has no beginning and end. We cannot limit God by time because time
began from Him. In God, energy, matter and time exist, but He has chosen to
work with humankind on the premises of time because of our limitations.
The human spirit and
soul can travel to the past and future because its substance came from the Holy
Spirit, who is eternal in Himself. The spirit and soul of man have no expiry
date because they emanated from God Almighty (Holy Spirit).
When Adam and Eve
allowed sin to dominate them, their body surrendered to time, matter and
energy. This is one reason humankind can die. You can read my book, What Happens After death, for more
profound revelations.
Spiritual beings do not
die. They can live forever as long as the Holy Spirit permits them. When God
Almighty became a human being (Christ Jesus) and walked on earth as a man, His
body limited Him.
God (Christ Jesus) knew
He could not operate as the Almighty on earth because of His body, so He ascended to
Heaven to enable Him to operate as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. When
God (Jesus the Christ) walked on earth as a man, time limited most of His
God dealt with His
creation based on time, matter and energy in human form. Christ Jesus did not
marry Mary Magdalene as some people believe. Christ Jesus was single in His
entire life and ministry.
Christ Jesus operated
in the decreed prophecies recorded by the holy prophets, kings, scribes and
priests. Every man born of a woman has a record in heaven. You must locate
God's prophecies for your life and fulfil them because He works with time.
You can download and
read my free article, How to discover your purpose in life, for more profound revelations. You can also read my past articles and series of books for more profound
revelations on the Holy Spirit, human spirit, soul and body. In the book of
John, we see a powerful revelation by Christ Jesus.
And the third day there
was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there:
And both Jesus was
called, and his disciples, to the marriage.
And when they wanted
wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.
Jesus saith unto her,
Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.
2:1-4 KJV
Mary, the earthly
mother of Jesus the Christ, pressured our Lord and Saviour to perform a miracle
at a marriage ceremony. In verse four, Christ Jesus made a profound statement.
Jesus replied to Mary, “mine hour is not
yet come.”
Christ Jesus replied
that His time has not come to perform miracles, which means God works with us
based on time. Have you realized that when you plant a seed in the soil, it
takes time for it to germinate?
Every seed has a season
of fruitfulness. You cannot plant the seed of orange and expect it to germinate
on the same day. The seed must die in the soil for some days before it grows. That
is how God deals with humankind.
Mary, the mother of
Jesus, wanted Jesus to perform a miracle at a marriage feast, but Jesus replied
that His time has not yet arrived. Jesus has to operate on God’s timing. God
has prepared everyone for a particular season to operate.
God knows why He
brought me into Ghana (Gold Coast). God could have placed me in the USA, UK,
India, Nigeria, or any other country, but He made me a Ghanaian. Although in
God’s kingdom, there is nothing like an African, European, Asian, and American.
God sees us as one, but
on the earth realm, we see ourselves differently. God knows why He placed you
in the country you live in. God has set a time for you to flourish. Don't
become angry because you are from a specific tribe.
Do not be angry because
you are not progressing in this season. Wait for the right season (time). In
Ghana, we have two seasons. We have the rainy and dry (harmattan) season. Farmers
plant many seeds in the rainy season.
Many African countries
have natural resources such as the sun, which can provide us with solar energy
but most citizen’s abuse and ignore it. We have rivers to extract
hydro-electrical power, fishes and generate good water for consumption.
We have good forestry
and many resources, but we cannot utilize these resources because of corrupt
leadership and bad systems. Most Africans destroy their natural resources for their
selfish interest.
Child of God, take
responsibility because God works with time. In the book Ecclesiastes, we see a
powerful Word.
To every thing there is
a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and
a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a
time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a
time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away
stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to
refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a
time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a
time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a
time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
What profit hath he that worketh in that
wherein he laboureth?
I have seen the
travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.
hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath
set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God
maketh from the beginning to the end.
3:1-11 KJV
Solomon, the wise man,
writes that God has a season for making all things brighter. A time comes in our life; enemies oppose us;
a time comes we lose our loved ones. A time comes, we become unhappy and joyful.
It is part of life. Even
animals sometimes become uncomfortable and joyful in certain seasons. In verse
eleven of Ecclesiastes, chapter three, Solomon writes that God makes all things
beautiful in His time.
God has a specific time
of making a judgment. You might think that God has forsaken you and your loved
ones. The truth is, you have not reached the season of favour, blessings, and
joy. You might think that God has ignored the enemy (Satan and cohorts).
God has set a time for
the wicked. If the wicked fail to repent of his evil deeds, he faces the wrath
of God in the appointed time. In the book of Matthew, we see another scenario
of God’s timing.
And, behold, they cried
out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou
come hither to torment us before the time?
8:29 KJV
Christ Jesus
encountered a man possessed of evil spirits. When the evil spirits in the man
saw Christ Jesus, they made a profound statement. They said, “art thou come hither to torment us before the time?”
The evil spirits in the
man knew Christ Jesus had set a time for their destruction. The evil spirits
knew God works with time, so they questioned Christ Jesus. Every spiritual
force knows God has set a time for their punishment and reward, so they utilize
their time with repercussions.
Child of God,
understand the systems of the Kingdom because God works with time. The reason
God has not answered your prayers is because of the time. Have you ever seen a
one month child walking to church alone?
It is impossible because
the child has not developed the muscles to walk. The one month child will need
the help of his parents or guardians. A time will come; the child will walk to
church independently because he has developed the muscles.
God knows you cannot
handle what you have been praying for because you have not developed the
capacity to manage your prayer requests. God works with time. He created the earth
and things that live in it on specific days.
What would have
happened if God created human beings before the sea, fishes, trees and animals?
God knew humankind would need these things, so He created them before creating
Adam and forming Eve.
God works with time so
wait on Him. The reason your enemies are flourishing in their wickedness is
that their time is not up for judgment. Even animals have a time range to
operate. No animal lives on earth forever. No plant lives on earth forever. No
human being lives on earth forever because of time. God is not silent with your
case. God and His angels are waiting to strike at the appointed time.
As it is appointed unto
man to die once and after that judgment (See Hebrews 9:27). Every man living on
this earth has an appointment with death. God will strike the enemies that
desire your death at His appointed time.
You will see the glory
of God at His appointed time, so don’t give up. In the book of Matthew, our Saviour and Lord
made a profound statement.
Heaven and earth shall
pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
But of that day and
hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
24:35-36 KJV
Christ Jesus was
speaking to His disciples about the end times. Jesus said no one knows the day
and hour of His second coming (rapture) except the Heavenly Father. No spiritual
force or human being knows the day and hour our Saviour and Lord is coming.
This means the Heavenly
Father has set a day and hour for His coming. Child of God, our King and Lord,
works with time, so monitor the seasons. Some people believe God is dead. Others don’t believe in the existence of God.
Some people believe
Christ Jesus never existed. They call it a myth. People abuse the church,
Christian believers and think God has ignored them. God has set a time to
resolve the injustice we see in this world.
God will deal with the
injustice we see in the animal kingdom and other worlds at the appointed time. In
the book of Romans, Apostle Paul made a profound statement.
Dearly beloved, avenge
not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance
is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
12:9 KJV
Paul writes that God
will revenge for us (Christian believers). Sometimes the enemy thinks he has
won the battle. God has intentionally kept quiet because He has set a time to
deal with the enemy.
Some religious bodies
may condemn the Christian faith and flourish. Child of God, don’t be discouraged
because God has set a time for them. Most often, God keeps silent because He
wants them to repent.
When God delays or
postpones His judgments on the wicked, it is because He has set a time (mercy)
for them. When you don't see the hands of God in your good works, family, and
business, it is because God's time has not caught up with you.
Have you realized that
your body works with time? When you eat and drink, a time comes for you to
eliminate the waste in your body. You use the washroom and eliminate the
poisonous substance (faeces) in your body at the appointed time.
When your body and mind
become tired, you rest to gain energy. Your body demands food and water at a
specific period. That is how God has programmed our bodies. Our body works with
time, so monitor the seasons and connect with the right time.
Christ Jesus has not
forgotten you. He is preparing you for the harvest. In the book of Job, we see a profound Word.
Is there not an
appointed time to man upon earth? Are not his days also like the days of an
7:1 KJV
Job declares that every
man (includes women) has appointed time on earth. Child of God, you will reign
at the appointed time. God's time is the best because, in His time, He makes
all things beautiful (See Ecclesiastes 3:11).
You must discern God’s
season and connect with it. For example, in your youthful season, you can do
many things because you have strength. You cannot do some things in your old
age because time will not allow you.
Your strength becomes
weak in your old age. Your days are numbered, so work in your prime season. God
has given you the mind to discern the season.
Man that is born of a
woman is of few days and full of trouble.
He cometh forth like a flower,
and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not.
And doth thou open
thine eyes upon such an one, and bringest me into judgment with thee?
Who can bring a clean
thing out of an unclean? not one.
Seeing his days are
determined, the number of his months are with thee, thou hast appointed his
bounds that he cannot pass;
14:1-5 KJV
In verse five of Job
fourteen, Job writes that the days and months of humankind have been decreed in
the archives of God. Like a pregnant woman, she has nine months to conceive the
baby (s). Exceeding nine months makes her and the child unnatural.
Even animals have set
times when delivering offspring. Child of God, stay in touch with God because
your days and months are determined in the courts of Heaven. Examine the time
and connect with God because He is always ready to help you within the timing.
be continued…
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