My new book titled the mysteries of evil seeds |Escaping the rod of wickedness| is available
The Mysteries of Evil Seeds
Escaping the Rod of Wickedness

Wickedness is real. It
doesn’t matter your country; wickedness operates in families, organizations,
online, and various communities. The truth is that wickedness takes different
forms as the world advances.
Wickedness in the 19th
century differs from the wickedness of the 21st century because of
technological advancement and the increase in knowledge. In this book, I have
dissected the topic of wickedness.
You will explore the mysteries
of wickedness, what happens in the spiritual realms when wickedness operates, and
forty dangerous prophecies that follow wicked people and hostile environments.
The book further explains
why we must hate wickedness, why people become wicked, how people become
wicked, the six degrees of wickedness, the top twenty-two ways to detect wicked
people, the biblical meaning of wickedness, and how you can overcome the rod of
This is a short and easy read. I have pinpointed the necessary wisdom keys to help you escape the rod of wickedness. Do not become a victim of wickedness because wherever darkness exists, wickedness operates.

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