In the beginning, God (Yahweh)
created the heavens and the earth. He
created the spiritual forces (angelic beings) to control the spiritual world. God
created humankind to control the earth realm (dominion mandate).
One of God’s angels
(Lucifer) deceived humankind to disobey God’s law leading to the corruption of
the spiritual, soulish, and physical world. When humankind sinned, their
relationship with God fell apart.
When humankind's
relationship with God fell apart, the dominion mandate of humankind returned to
Lucifer. Lucifer being an enemy of God became an enemy of God’s creation.
Lucifer created a group to oppose God and humankind.
Lucifer (later became
Satan) started to manipulate the race of humankind. Satan and his minions
introduced evil activities to the world to damage God’s creation. As a result
of Satan’s evil activities, humankind increased in wickedness.
When God saw the
calamities on earth and in the spiritual world, He sent His Son Christ Jesus to
the earth to destroy the power of sin. Christ Jesus was born of a virgin woman
called Mary. Mary did not have sexual intercourse with any man before
conceiving Christ Jesus.
Christ Jesus' birth was
supernatural. He lived a sinless life when He walked on earth. Christ Jesus
came to the world to destroy the power of sin and Satan. The name Christ means the anointed one, and
the name Jesus means the Saviour of the world.
Jesus the Christ came to the
world to restore the dominion mandate Satan took from humankind. Christ Jesus'
death and resurrection restored humankind's relationship with God (Yahweh). Christ
Jesus went through pain and rejection because of our sins.
Today, we (believers of
Christ Jesus) can fellowship with God because the blood of Christ Jesus has cleansed
us from our sins. We are not sinners in the sight of God. God sees us as
righteous because of the blood of Christ Jesus.
The blood of Christ Jesus
has the power to wash away every sin. Unlike in the old covenant, the high
priest used the blood of unique animals to atone for people's sins. In the new
testament or covenant, the blood of Christ Jesus has the power to cleanse us
from all sins.
It doesn’t matter how
heavy your sin may be; the blood of Chris Jesus can wash you and cleanse you.
You have to repent and confess to Christ Jesus as the Saviour and Lord of your
life. I have written a short prayer for you.
Pray from your heart, and
the blood of Christ Jesus will cleanse you from all your sins. When you repent
and confess Christ Jesus into your heart, the Holy Spirit will come into your
heart. The Holy Spirit will guide you in the journey of life.
You also have the
Holy Bible as your guide. In Christ Jesus' kingdom, the Holy
Bible is our constitution. Feed on the Holy Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to grant
you understanding. Pray using the promises in the Holy Bible and live by the
principles in the Holy Bible (new covenant). Are you ready to join the kingdom of
Christ Jesus?
Bible reading after the prayer of
chapters 22, 23, and 24
prophecy of Christ Jesus' death Isaiah chapter 53
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