Have you reached a point
where you feel like pouring your anger, frustration, pain, fear, and
inferiority on the government, boss, friends, and surrounding neighbors? As
humans, we are tempted to unleash our anger in uncomfortable seasons.
However, it doesn’t work
that way. Releasing your frustration and insecurities on others will not solve
the problem. It shows your ignorance and weakness. I remember boarding a taxi
to do evangelism.
In the taxi, the driver
and a woman were arguing about free education in Ghana. The woman bitterly
poured out her anger on the government. She said that free education has
collapsed many private schools.
The taxi driver also said
that free education has helped him and his family. The taxi driver said the
free education has allowed most of his family members access to formal
education. However, the woman said free education has corrupted the educational
While listening to their conversation
(argument), I felt like saying something about free education. However, I told
myself that arguing with these people would not solve the problem.
I need the right channel
to share my thoughts on free education. Although I cannot entirely agree with
some of the government policies and leadership styles, I will not share my
ideas with people who cannot change systems.
I observed that the woman
was angry with the government policy on free education. However, the man (taxi
driver) was happy with the government policy on free education. Frankly, while
the taxi driver and woman were arguing about free education in Ghana, my heart
was burning.
I wanted to pour out my
mind about free education. However, I thought through it. I said to myself that
every policy will have some side effects. No matter how good a government
policy will be; there will be negatives and positives.
Some will find faults
with the government policies even if they are good. I hope you know the
opposers of the government policies are the competing political parties. One
thing about government policies is that we must think through systems, reduce
the negativity, and strengthen the good sides.
Like a medicine, it
doesn’t matter how good it is; there will be some side effects. It takes
knowledge to weigh the positives and negatives. However, a vessel void of
knowledge will hit more on the negative and reject the positives. That is how
life revolves. There will come a time when we feel like complaining. However,
the Holy Bible commands us to avoid complaints.
Do all things without
murmurings and disputings:
That ye may be blameless
and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and
perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;
2:14-15 KJV
Apostle Paul wrote to the
Church in Philippe to avoid grumbling and unnecessary debates. This letter
applies to every Christian believer. When we avoid complaints and foolish talk,
as Paul states, we will walk in power and wisdom.
Analyze countries that constantly
murmur and debate over unnecessary things. Such countries experience war,
confusion, corruption, and calamities. Parliaments and leadership that focus on
unnecessary issues waste resources, time, and energy.
In some cases, we don’t
have to complain or talk about specific issues because it is not a significant problem. For
instance, parliament don't have to debate and complain about lesbianism, gays,
and bestiality. They have to quickly pass the bill and criminalize it because
it is abnormal, wicked, and insane for people to indulge in that act.
Complaining and
discussing the rights of lesbians and gays wastes time. We have limited time to
discuss important things. Murmuring will not solve the issue. Law enforcement
agents must start working on important matters because complaining gives the right
to the devil and his cohorts to dominate the development and integrity of the
In most cases,
development rarely takes place in complaining neighborhoods. Murmuring and
disputes will not solve the problem. It will solidify the blindness of the
wicked. Although there is a place for public demonstration (complaints), we
must apply wisdom when making complaints and demonstrating our needs and wants.
There is time for everything; therefore apply knowledge.
The foolishness of complaints.
One thing I have realized
about complaints is that it doesn’t solve the problem. The more we complain,
the higher the problems. I remember in my infancy, I saw students making
If I could guess my age,
I was around five years old. My father was a teacher at Akwatia Technical
Institute at that time. Most of the students demonstrated with weapons in the
night. I saw most of the students with offensive weapons.
The students did not like
the leadership of the school. They felt the leadership was abusing them, so
they wanted to take action. However, I realized that the student's complaint
(demonstration) couldn’t solve the problem.
Complaining may alert the
leaders of the issue. However, we don’t solve problems with complaints. Like
the students in the technical school, who demonstrated with weapons, the
military countered their complaints (demonstration).
The school leadership
sacked some of the students. Some, too, got injured because of the interruption
of the military. Some students were imprisoned. The students thought the demonstration
would get the attention of the school leadership.
However, it didn’t work.
Instead of the students using the proper method to approach the leadership,
they used violent demonstrations. You might be asking how I got this
information at that tender age.
Well, I think I have a
sharp brain (memory) that can recall issues. As I write this article, I
remember things that happened in my infancy. As stated, there are times we must
demonstrate if leadership repeats their wickedness.
We might have used the
right channel to get the corrupt leader’s attention. However, leadership
persists in their corruption and wickedness. In this case, we can demonstrate
using the right channel.
Like a wicked king who is
not ready to repent. Such a king will not bow without violence. There is a
right way to solve issues. It is not always about complaints and violence. Keep
reading because I will enumerate ten master keys to deal with problems without
using violence and complaints.
Accept your limitations
One thing we must
understand about human nature is that we are weak in the flesh. With the help
of the Holy Spirit, we can do many things. However, the flesh will not allow us
to do everything all the time and everywhere.
A time will come when our
body will become tired. We must rest to regain energy. We cannot be everywhere
at the same time. Even machines become weak when they exceed their working
hours. How much human strength? Stop complaining and accept the limitations of
the body. Exercise patience and work with the available strength.
Disconnect from complainers
If you want to break out
from the prison of complainers, disassociate from them. Associating with
complainers will empower you to keep murmuring. Like water in a pot on fire.
The stronger the fire, the hotter the water in the pot.
You are the water in the
pot. The complainers are the fire. If you disconnect from the fire, the water
in the pot will become cool. If you don’t want to be a candidate of
complainers, disconnect from the complainers. The water in the pot will cool down
when the fire goes off.
Close your doors
Nothing is better than
closing your ears and eyes from destructive critics (complainers). As far as
you live in this world, people will criticize. No matter how good, strong,
weak, and famous you are, there will be complainers. As Apostle Paul stated,
…avoid foolish questions,
and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are
unprofitable and vain.
3:9 KJV
There is no way a
crocodile can enter a room with a locked door. Until you open the door, the
crocodile remains outside. In the same way, don’t create a channel for
complainers to access you. Apostle Paul stated that we must avoid foolish
questions and arguments because they are vain.
Why should you waste your
time, energy, and resources on issues that will not bring profit? That is how
Apostle Paul described. We must disengage from complainers and people who
debate on unnecessary things.
Such people will not take
us anywhere. Close your doors to arguments and questions that do not edify
Christ Jesus. Close your ears and eyes from discussions that do not bring
development. Such talks (complaints and arguments) will drain the energy you
can use to do essential things. One reason Ghana and other developing countries
keep crawling is because we have many complainers. Instead of the media,
journalists, and citizens giving solutions, they will be hitting hard on the
We love complaining; that
is why the nation keeps growing cold (poor). We must stop the complaint and
start complying. When we stop complaining and start complying, the country will
Kindly share the link to this article so others can receive the knowledge that brings deliverance. I
encourage you to download and read my book, 777 Uncommon
Benefits of Reading Books for more profound
revelations. Below are some ways to stop complaining and start complying.
Start Complying Now
1. The power of the mind
Instead of complaining,
figure out the root cause of the problem. Children love to complain because
they don’t have the knowledge to solve issues. Monitor people who complain
about their problems.
I mean people who blame
others for their failure. Such people cannot take responsibility. Children love
complaining because it’s their nature. It is said that what a dog looks at and
bark at, a cat looks at it and ignores it.
Champions don’t complain;
they comply. They hit on the solution. Even if champions complain, they provide
solutions. Stop complaining because anyone can complain. Figure out the causes
of the issues.
I mean the root cause of
the issue. After finding the root cause of the issue, strategize. I mean, think
(brainstorm). Our mind has the power to solve problems. We have the mind of God
because God created us in His image and likeness (see Genesis 1:26-27).
Lazy people (complainers)
don’t love thinking. Complainers love blaming others. One thing I hate is the
past. For instance, when something terrible happens, instead of the surrounding
people giving the solutions, they find faults.
Complainers point their hands
at others and hammer on the dark side of the problem. Finding faults will not
solve the problem! It wastes time! Let’s search for the solutions! Pointing
hands on others will not solve the issue!
It will instead lead to
conflict and confusion. Take responsibility! Use your mind to solve problems.
For instance, the people in your area complain of poor water. In this case, the
people’s problem is poor hygiene.
Don’t join the
complainers. Stop blaming the government and those in authority! Although the
government and leadership have a role to make the community a better place. Be
unique, don’t join the complainers.
Be a complier. Find ways to
solve the water problem in the community. You can connect with people to create
a borehole. You can apply legal medicine (chemicals) in the water to make the
water safe and clean.
You can contact the water
company nearby so they can connect pipe-borne water to the area. You can
connect with companies who sell clean water so they can distribute water in
that area. You can make a profit out of the problem.
Instead of joining the
complainers, solve the problem. You cannot solve the issue while complaining. It
is babies who cry over problems. Adults face problems and provide solutions. You
can solve issues when you strategize ways to conquer the complaints.
Have you realized that most citizens in America, Asia, and Europe are problem solvers? They search for the problems and provide solutions. Because of the solutions, they make money in “poor countries.” Find out.
- What are the people complaining about in your community?
- What problems are people facing globally?
- What are people complaining about?
- What can you do to solve the issue?
Use your mind to solve
the problems! Even if you don’t have the wisdom to solve the problem. Research
on how to solve the issue. People might have solved the problem others are
complaining about. Use their strategies and wisdom to solve the issue. You will
be a unique pearl within the stones. Stop complaining and start complying! I
encourage you to download and read my book, Take Responsibility. It’s
free on my blog.
2. The power of decisiveness
If you want to be a light
in the darkness, be action-oriented. Some people have solutions. However, they
cannot take action. It is good to have solutions. However, until you put your
solution (knowledge) into action, your solution will not benefit others.
Like a hungry man with
food, the man will keep starving until he eats the food. What’s the use of the
food if you cannot eat? That is how wisdom works. You must enforce your
knowledge. Many Africans and leaders have relevant ideas.
However, they cannot
enforce them. It is like having many books on your shelves or in the library.
Having the books on your shelves does not transfer the knowledge into your
brain. You must read the book to acquire the knowledge.
In most cases, you are
like someone who does not read books. You are like someone who hasn’t bought
the books. Buying the books is good. However, you must read them. Having good
plans is good.
However, it would be best
if you enforced them. Connect with the right people and environment. Those who
agree with your ideas will enforce the plans. Do you remember the words and
actions of our Savior and Lord Christ Jesus?
I must work the works of
him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
9:4 KJV
Our Savior and Lord Christ
Jesus began ministry at a tender age. By age fourteen, he has already started
his assignment. Christ Jesus was not a lazy man. He was an action man. Christ
Jesus did not joke with his assignment.
What are you waiting for?
Take action now! There are times when you must follow the timing. However, do
not procrastinate when the time arrives. Time waits for no man. It is the lazy
man that says he has more time.
You can do more at a younger
age. The more you grow old, the weaker your body becomes. This is one reason
you must take action. Waiting for the perfect time will not come. Take action
now. Stop complaining and start complying! You will become a diamond among the
stones when you stop complaining and start complying.
3. The power of focus
One thing about life is
that you reap what you sow. Give your best. As Solomon stated,
Whatsoever thy hand
findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor
knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
9:10 KJV
Whatever your assignment
is, do it with all your might and resources. This reminds me of a woman I
worked with at a formal school. This woman meant business! She was the first
person to come to the school campus.
She did not joke about
her work time. This woman was not the Headteacher or owner of the school.
However, she acted as if she owned the school. I could see her strength and
sacrifice. Because of her sacrifice, the owner of the school valued her.
The school owner valued
her decision more than any teacher in the school. So, what is my point here? If
you are going to be a star (complier), be focused. Sometimes, some people will
mock you because of your hard work.
Some people think
government work is not important. Some people work anyhow because they believe the
government's job has no monitoring. Some people come to work late and leave
before work closes.
If the government changes
the system, the workers will comply. Do not join the losers. Work with all your
might at your job. The manager or owner might not see your work. However, the
wise ones will imitate you.
We serve a just God. He
will reward you for your good work. While some complain about the job, work
from your heart. God might be training you in that place. Even if you don’t
receive any reward in that place, you will acquire knowledge and experience.
This experience and knowledge will boost your credibility and value. Stop
complaining and start complying. Be among the few. The blessings will overflow!
4. The power of humility
Instead of joining
complainers, seek advice and counseling from successful experts, professionals,
and knowledgeable and experienced people. Seeking advice and counsel from
others reveals our humility.
Monitor successful people;
they learn from others. Complainers don’t seek counsel and advice. Complainers
are proud. They see nothing good in humbling themselves. You will be surprised
that the complaint will stop if you seek quality advice from experts.
Their wisdom will exclude
you from the complainers who are going nowhere. The advice you receive from
professionals and qualified vessels will lift you to a higher height. It is
time to stop complaining and start complying. Are you seeking the wisdom of
successful and qualified experts and professionals?
5. The power of knowledge
Do you know that
knowledge carries power? Knowledge is like a light. The more you acquire
knowledge, the stronger and brighter your light. If your mind is empty, you start
complaining. However, you will make important decisions if your mind is full of
resourceful information. As stated in the Holy Scriptures.
My people are destroyed
for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject
thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of
thy God, I will also forget thy children.
4:6 KJV
It is said that empty
barrels make the most noise. To come out of the complainers, be knowledgeable.
When you acquire relevant knowledge, it enhances your decision. Do you know
that one decision can build or destroy your life?
One decision can destroy
and upgrade those connected to you. This is one reason you must read. Love
knowledge with all your heart. Reading will eliminate you from the complainers.
It will place you above the complainers.
I encourage you to
download and read my book, 777 Uncommon
Benefits of Reading Books,
for more profound revelations. When you become knowledgeable, you will not fall
into the trap of the complainers. You will become a complier (resourceful leader)
when you fill your mind with resourceful information.
6. The power of the Word
…Ye do err, not knowing
the scriptures, nor the power of God.
22:29 KJV
One thing about the Word
of God is that it carries power. The Word (the Holy Bible) can bring
deliverance to the soul, spirit, and body. As stated in the Holy Scriptures, people
deviate because they lack knowledge of the Word.
If you don’t want to
remain in the complainer’s prison, study the Holy Scriptures and understand the
power and person of the Holy Spirit. You can do extraordinary things by knowing
the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
For more profound
revelation about the Holy Spirit, download and read my series of books.
The books are free on my blog. Demons and evil spirits can cause trouble. Unclean
spirits can manipulate the mind. They can make people complain. This is one
reason you must know the Word of God. Having time for God’s Word can bring
…ye shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you free.
8:32 KJV
Power rests in the Holy Bible. The complaining spirit will leave when you become one with the Word (the Holy Bible). However, if the Word is empty in your inner man, you start complaining.
- Do you constantly feed on the Word?
- Do you obey the Word?
- Do you pray the Word?
- Do you meditate on the Word?
- Do you declare the Word?
It’s time to come out of
the complainers and join the compliers. The Word is the master key! Be
consistent with the Word. You will experience growth, wisdom, power, and favor.
I will continue in the next article. Kindly share the link to this article so
others can receive the knowledge that brings deliverance.
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