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/ / 777 Master Keys to a Successful Relationship (Profound Truth About Love) – 8

777 Master Keys to a Successful Relationship (Profound Truth About Love) – 8



The flower of relationship

One thing I have realized about women’s education is that it has caused more harm than good. You might be asking why I am stating this. Let me prove it to you. Women in the twentieth, nineteenth, and old centuries were submissive in relationships (marriage).


Women of the old centuries were much more appreciative of their men. However, women of this century are different. Women's education has made most women proud, selfish, and wicked. Today, most women can provide for their basic needs and wants.


Most women occupy positions men occupy. Even in some workplaces, women are bosses over men. Because most women have formal education and can provide for their needs and wants, they are not submissive in relationships.


Some women state that what men can do, women can do it better. Marital relationships have become challenging for most men because of the advocacy of women’s power. Most women treat men like rags because of their status.


However, women were not all that proud and selfish in the old century. Only a few women are submissive in our century. I have met several single women. In most of our discussions, the women are divorced, or separated.


Some even have children without husbands. Most often, I ask these women why they are divorced and separated; they claim the man was abusive. However, that is a half-truth. Although some men are abusive, most women, too, are proud, selfish, and disrespectful.


Most women look at a man’s financial strength before considering a relationship. Money is great, but it should not be the finest foundation for entering a relationship. With money, we can do many things.


We can use money to help people experiencing poverty, buy land, build churches, roads, libraries, and industries, and do great things in relationships. Financial freedom is a great asset.


However, money has limitations. It can do great things, but it cannot do certain things. There are several families with financial freedom, but their relationships lack peace, joy, and love.


Despite the financial freedom, peace cannot prevail. Some people even commit suicide despite their financial independence. If money could solve all problems, why is there so much pain, confusion, suicide, and great wickedness in the world?


Get me right. I am not devaluing money. As stated, money can do great things. We can have fun, travel worldwide, and embark on important projects with money. However, money has limitations.


Most women of this century see nothing except money. That is ignorance. If you are entering a relationship just because of money, you are blind. I know money plays a vital role in relationships.


As a matter of fact, one reason many marriages break is because of weak finances. Money is important. Money can solve many marital issues. However, you will be surprised that entering a marital relationship because of money is ignorance.


Do you know the number of people who want to divorce despite their financial freedom? If you check the list of most families that desire separation and divorce, you will realize that money is not an issue.


However, one of the couples is abusive. The partner may be financially strong. However, he does not have spiritual, emotional, social, and mental strength. Because of this weakness, confusion, conflict, and abuse dominate the relationship.


As stated, most women are single because they only look at the men's finances. I’m not against money. Neither am I forcing you to marry a financially weak person. What I am stating is that a relationship is a long journey.


Money can do great things in a relationship. However, money is not the ultimate. What is the use of money if there is no peace, joy, love, strength, and unity? Money can enhance love, joy, peace, and harmony.


However, money has limitations. Money can do great things. However, it cannot do certain things. Listen to testimonies of successful married couples. You would understand that most of them started the relationship with nothing.


The men were financially weak. However, the women accepted the marriage proposal. The women believed in the men. The couples worked hard and effectively. Today, they have become great.


Do not walk and live in blindness. Believe in the man. Believe in the woman. Don’t let temporal financial weakness destroy the relationship. The man knows where he is going. Support him with what you have.


One reason I am on the women's side is that most women choose men who are higher than them. Most men choose below their status. However, most women demand men who are above their status.


The man might be weak financially. However, he has several strengths. You are there to bring out the financial strength in the man. Sometimes, when I see single women who have passed their flower age (women above thirty years), I pity them in my heart.


Most often, if you enquire about why they are not married, you will find that they ignored the right men that came their way in their flower age. These women followed after vain men and slept around like harlots in their flower season.


Today, these women desperately desire any man in trousers. Some women even sleep in prayer camps praying for a husband. To the women reading this article, don’t waste your flower age and think a responsible and wise man will marry you in your old age.


Most men are logical. When a man sees a woman who has passed her flower age, they often conclude that these women were selfish, proud, harlots, and wicked in their flower age. One hard truth about men is that we can marry at any age.


However, a woman who has passed her flower age will likely stay single until death. Today, most women are playing the role of harlotry because they have passed their flower season. These women were selfish, proud, and wicked in their flower season. Because of their selfishness, they are reaping the harvest.


Most women think they can play with men in their flower age and get a responsible and wise man to marry them in their old age. They think they can sleep around with any man in their flower season and get a responsible and wise man in their old age.


Do not deceive yourself. Men are wise these days. They can identify such women. Most often, when men see that you have passed your flower stage, all they need from you is sex. They will take advantage of your desire.


Wicked men will abuse you sexually and marry a suitable partner in her flower stage if you don’t apply knowledge. Utilize your flower age. Don’t be selfish and proud in your flower age because everything has a season. You may be enjoying your flower season.


However, it’s just a matter of time. Analyze flowers. They are green, yellow, and bright in their youthful season. However, they turn brown in a specific season. That is how life works. A time will come when you will start losing form.


Your facial beauty will start depreciating, and what you value so much will be odd. I encourage you to read my previous article. In that article, I have written in detail about beauty and deception. After reading that article, you will know that inner beauty is the best.


Physical beauty is “powerful.” However, it is temporal. Don’t be proud because of your physical beauty; it will fade. The wedding may be great, fun, and adorable. Wearing a wedding gown is glorious.


However, a wedding is not compulsory. If you have the money to do it, do it. However, don’t think you are not married when your partner cannot afford a wedding where you wear a wedding gown and drive in luxurious cars.


A wedding can create fame. People will talk about it. However, it’s a temporal thing. Some people spend vast sums on weddings and divorce the next month. As stated, no one stops you if you have the money to do a wedding.


However, a real marriage is not a wedding where many cars blow horns and people hail praises. Real marriage begins with the man and woman’s family. When the man and woman’s family agree, God sees it as a marriage.


We have traditional, court, Muslim, and wedding marriages in Ghana. Traditional marriage takes place between the man and the woman’s family. Every tribe demands some materials from the partners.


For instance, in the Ashanti tribe, the woman’s family can demand special wine, kente, eggs, and clothes. Every tribe has materials they request from the man (the man’s family). When the man supplies the requested materials the woman’s family demands, the family creates a meeting (engagement) and performs the marriage rite.


For the court marriage, the man and the woman sign a legal document with a witness. Weddings are a Western culture we have adopted into the Church. Most often, couples spend massive sums of money on this occasion.


In my observation, one primary reason most men and women are single is because of weddings. Most women in relationships think that if you don’t perform a wedding, it is not marriage. However, the Holy Bible emphasizes traditional marriage.


For instance, Jacob had Rachel and Leah through traditional marriage. Talk of Moses, Joseph, Isaac, and several patriarchs was a family agreement. When the man and the woman’s family agree, it is marriage.


The pastor comes in to bless the marriage. Do you know a pastor can bless traditional marriages in a family gathering? As stated, no one stops you if you have the money to do a wedding. You can even do a small wedding where you invite a few people.


You can invite five people to the wedding and do the wedding in your closet. It will save time, resources, and money. The money that could have been used for the large wedding can be channeled to do a different thing. You can use those funds to buy land, build a house, diversify a business, support the Church, or donate it to the orphanage.


Don’t waste your resources and flower age because of weddings and money. Accept the vessel as your partner. You can do the wedding when you become financially fit. At this stage, you are not fit to do a wedding.


Traditional marriage should be the right channel. Settle down. Apply wisdom before you pass your flower age! Don’t join the crowd. Don’t become vulnerable and desperate like the women who have passed their flower age.


Most of these women have become prostitutes because they wasted their flower season. Choose the right partner in your flower season. Choosing the right partner will help you enjoy your relationship. Do you know that there are over eight billion people in the world?


To the men reading this article, don’t panic. There are billions of potential single women. Check the population of men and women. Check the number of women who are married, single, and divorced.


You will be surprised that numerous single women are pretending to be engaged. Exercise patience because there are a lot of potential women who can fit you. Don’t be discouraged when a woman rejects your proposal.


It’s just that you are not in the right location. There is a suitable woman for you. Some women will reject you because they are not meant to be in your life. Sometimes, God allows them to “reject” you for your good. You will meet the potential partner if you apply the required knowledge.


To the women, potential single men are waiting for you, too. However, apply wisdom before you bypass the chosen man. Apply wisdom before you pass your flower age because no responsible and wise man will be willing to use second-hand (used) material.


Don’t waste your energy, time, and resources in your flower age-changing men. Wicked men will abuse you sexually, financially, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally in your flower age if you don’t apply knowledge.


These wicked men will not marry you when they use you. Be smart and connect with the right partner in your flower age before the flower season passes. I am writing this article to help you choose the right partner in your flower season. You can apply the wisdom keys I’m about to share if you have passed your flower age.


However, these keys are for people in their flower season. The master keys work in priority—the first point is the most important. Then it goes to the second point, then the third point, and finally the last point.


Therefore, follow the first master key. If you are unable to get a partner with the first master key, then move to the second master key. If you are unable to get a partner with the second key, use the third master key. It goes in that order till you reach the last one.


The reason I want you to follow the master keys is that the first master key is the most trusted one. It flows in an order. The number one, then number two, then number three, then number four till the thirteenth master key. Kindly share the link to this article to save a life.



The Thirteen Master Keys to Finding the Right Partner


1. The key of fasting and prayers


Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

Matthew 7:7 KJV

God knows the best. He knew that Adam needed a helper; therefore, He gave her Eve. God knows the bones of your bones and the flesh of your flesh. He knows who can complete you. Rushing will make you choose someone who will compete with you.


Ask God in prayers for a suitable partner. When you ask for a precious partner, He will send the vessel to you. Sometimes, you have to add fasting to the prayers. Fasting enhances your faith. Fasting and praying reveals your faith and desire for your partner. When God sees that you desire a partner with all your heart, He will send the vessel. Pray according to the Word of God. For instance, you can quote this Holy Scripture.


And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

Genesis 2:18 K.J.V.

In this prayer, you tell God that it is not good that I should be single. Tell God that you are alone and that you need help. When you pray with faith, God will send the partner. I encourage you to download and read my book, 77 Strategic Models of Prayer and Secret Keys to An Answered Prayer, for more profound revelation.


After reading those books, you will know how to pray for a partner. The books are free on my blog and YouTube channel. I know a friend who fasted and prayed on a prayer mountain for a partner, and God sent him a suitable woman (wife). That man is enjoying his marriage! Meditate on this Holy Scripture for a more profound revelation.


House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the LORD.

Proverbs 19:14 KJV



2. The principle of the supernatural

The second master key you can use to connect with the right partner is to activate the spiritual realm. When you commune with the Holy Spirit, He guides and teaches you what to do. The Holy Spirit can direct you to your partner if you know His ways and thoughts. Sometimes, you can dream about your partner. If you walk and live with the Holy Spirit, He can show you the right partner through dreams and visions.


In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;

Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,

Job 33:15-16 KJV

  • Do you know that God revealed Joseph's assignment in a dream?
  • Do you know that Angel Gabriel spoke to Mary about Jesus’ birth in a dream?
  • Do you know that Angel Gabriel spoke to Joseph about Herod’s plan to kill Jesus in a dream?
  • Do you know that God warned Abimelech in a dream not to touch Sarah because she was Abraham’s wife?
  • Do you know that God spoke to Apostle Peter about Corneilius's visit in a dream?

There are numerous occasions when God (the Holy Spirit) spoke to people through dreams. Be one with the Holy Spirit. Often, pray in tongues (meditate on Romans 8:26-27). The more you fellowship with the Holy Spirit, the more He will direct you to your partner.



3. The principle of the seed


Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Galatians 6:7 KJV

If you want to attract the right partner, be the right partner. It is a spiritual law. You attract who you are. If you are a godly person, you are more likely to attract a godly person. In the same way, if you are a bad person, you are more likely to attract a bad person.



4. The Holy Bible's principles

The Holy Bible is our light and lamp (meditate on Psalms 119:105). The Holy Bible is above the experience of men. It doesn’t matter how powerful and great an experience is. It cannot surpass the Holy Bible. If you are a man looking for the right partner, use the Holy Bible as your light. For instance, you can use these Holy Scriptures to vet a woman you want to marry.


The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.

She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.

She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.

She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.

She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.

She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.

She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.

She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.

She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.

She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.

She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.

She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.

Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.

She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.

Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.

She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.

Proverbs 31:11-31 KJV

If you find the qualities of a virtuous woman described in the Holy Bible in the woman you want to engage, choose that vessel as your partner.



5. The principle of compatibility

Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

Amos 3:3 KJV

Marriage is a long journey. It takes time to build. However, for a marriage to succeed, compatibility is needed. The Holy Bible states that two can walk together if there is an agreement. Are you spiritually, mentally, and emotionally compatible?


If there is conflict in any department, the storms will shake the relationship. However, finding an emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically compatible partner is a green light. Have you wondered why marriages in the old centuries could stand?


There were no weddings in the old centuries. However, the marriage could last long because they knew this key. Most often, nothing separates old couples except death. Most of today’s marriages, full of weddings and extremely expensive engagement shows, break within weeks and months because couples ignore this key.


If the person you want to engage agrees spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, that signifies a suitable partner. Remember, you work with the first principle. Then, you move to the next principle. It works in an order. The first principle first, the second, the third, then the fourth, and this point till you reach the thirteenth key.



6. The principle of purpose

The sixth master key you can use to connect with the right partner is the key of assignment. Do you share the same faith? Does your vision, mission, and assignment agree with the man? It’s a secret key to connecting with the right partner.


One reason many marriages break is because the partners have different assignments. Connect with the partner if your purpose aligns. The assignment (mission, vision, and purpose) will hold the relationship (the marriage).



7. The principle of wisdom


Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.

Proverbs 18:22 K.J.V.

We serve a wise God who created us in His image and after His likeness. If God is wise, then we are also wise. God created our minds to think and make decisions. When you are crossing the road, what do you do?


You watch left, then right, and watch left again before crossing. That is wisdom. When you wake up in the morning, what do you do? You brush your teeth and bathe. That is wisdom. In the same way, God has given us the mind to choose the right partner.


The Holy Bible says that whosoever finds a wife finds a good thing. This means we can use our common sense (mind) to choose a marriage partner. In Proverbs chapter twenty, verse six, we see a profound word.


Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?

Proverbs 20:6 KJV

The Holy Bible states that a faithful man who can find. This means we can use our common sense to choose a partner. You can find a wife or husband with common sense because the Holy Bible says we should find one.


You are good to go if the man can provide basic needs such as food, shelter, and protection. If the person is independent of his parents and can feed himself and pay his bills, it’s a green light. That’s a potential partner.


Is the woman Godfearing? Does she have a godly character? Do not spiritualize everything. A time comes when we must use our minds. You can find a partner when you use your mind. However, be one with the Holy Spirit.



8. The principle of unequal yoke

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

2 Corinthians 6:14-18 K.J.V.

You cannot marry someone whose faith differs from your faith. You need one faith because different faiths will create conflicts in the relationship. If you share the same faith, that’s a potential partner.


As a Christian, you cannot marry a dedicated Buddhist. Marrying that partner will create conflict. The marriage will work when you are born again, and your partner is born again. However, conflict will dominate the relationship if your partner is not born again. Therefore, a partner who is born again is a potential vessel if you are also born again.



9. The principle of discernment

Another mighty principle you can use to connect with the right partner is the key of discernment. The Holy Spirit can draw you to your partner if you are born again. Sometimes, you will have a strong desire for a person.


However, know the difference between lust and love, or you will make a mistake. You can discern your partner if you are full of the Holy Spirit. You will be firmly convinced that the person is your partner just by an encounter.


Consistently fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Your discernment will upgrade. Discernment is a great key to finding your partner. Make time for the Holy Spirit. He will lead you to your partner. You will perceive the partner if you are one with the Holy Spirit. Connect with my series of books on the Holy Spirit. The books will enhance your spirit and soul, leading to the right choice. The books are free on my blog and youtube channel.



10. The principle of love and respect

Love and respect are one of the best keys to a successful marriage. Apostle Paul and Apostle Peter emphasized love and respect in marriage. One of the ways to know the right partner is to use the key of love and respect.

  • Does the woman respect you from her heart?
  • Does the man love you from his heart?
  • Is the woman submissive?
  • Is the man caring?
  • Does the man show unconditional love?
  • Does the woman submit unconditionally?

If you are fortunate to get a partner who loves and respects you irrespective of your status, you have met a potential partner.



11. The principle of counseling

Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.

Proverbs 11:14 K.J.V.

Parents who love you from the heart can connect you with the right partner. Friends, pastors, and people who genuinely love you can recommend a potential partner. Try seeking counseling and advice from people who love you from their heart. These people can connect you to the right partner because they know you. Secondly, their love for you can make them choose the right partner for you.



12. The principle of focus

Joseph had a wife because of his assignment. Be focused on your assignment. You will encounter the right partner while doing the kingdom work. The partner will come into your life to support you while doing the work of God. That person will come into your life to expand the light in you. I know a man who encountered his wife because he decided to focus on the work of God.



13. The test principle

You can use the test principle to connect with the right partner. Like Abraham’s servant, he used this strategy to get a wife (Rebecca) for Isaac (see Genesis 24:1-26). I encourage you to download and read my books, 77 Strategic Models of Prayer and Wisdom Keys, subtitled Divine Keys to a Higher Life, for a more profound revelation.


The books are free on my blog and YouTube channel. If you use this key wisely, you will find the right partner. I may continue in the next article. Kindly share the link to this article so others can grow in wisdom. Connect with my teachings on relationships on my YouTube channel for more profound revelations.

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