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/ / 777 Redemptive Truth About Relationship [Glorious Revelation About Love] – 7

777 Redemptive Truth About Relationship [Glorious Revelation About Love] – 7



The science of relationship

A time comes in our lives when we desire a relationship. One reason we desire relationships is because we are social beings. Any vessel who does not want to relate with anyone has internal issues.


As stated in the previous article, God created us in His image and likeness. Therefore, if God is relational, we must also be relational. People who do not want to relate with anyone have mental issues. Either the person has a connection with evil spirits, or that person is not a real human being.


We need each other because we cannot go far and do much without one another. This is one reason I am writing this article. Sitting before the laptop and writing (typing) this article is not easy.


I had many things to do. However, I sacrificed other important works to write this article. If you want to go far in life, do not neglect relationships because they are one of the most powerful tools for reaching a higher height.


Although some people have lost their lives and become poor because of relationships, we cannot ignore relationships. The fact that some people have lost their lives and become weak because of relationships does not mean a relationship is bad.


You need knowledge and understanding to walk and live in the relationship arena. This is one reason I have sacrificed my time, energy, resources, and other essential projects to write this article.


In the previous article, I used the wisdom of eagles to help you understand relationships. If you have not read that article, I encourage you to read that article. You can start from article one to gain a better understanding.


As stated in the previous article, eagles teach us a lot about relationships. However, the fact that female eagles test the male eagles does not mean you (the woman) should make it extremely hard for a man to engage you.


I know you don’t want to make yourself cheap as a woman. Do not be cheap. However, apply knowledge before you pass your flower age. Female eagles make it hard for male eagles because they are monogamous animals.


Female eagles are faithful. They stay loyal to the male eagle. Female eagles don’t cut corners like dogs and goats. Female eagles make male eagles go through a series of tests before partnering because they are faithful.

  • Are you a loyal woman?
  • Are you a virtuous woman?
  • Will you stick to one man?

If you are not faithful and cannot stick to one partner as a woman, stop making it hard for a man to engage in a marital relationship. Female eagles make it hard for male eagles because they are extremely faithful.


The male eagles, too, are faithful. You must be faithful if you want a faithful partner. You cannot sell yourself to many partners and think you can make it hard for a loyal partner to engage you in a marital relationship.


It doesn’t work that way. You attract who you are. You are more likely to encounter a faithful partner if you are faithful. However, if you are unfaithful, you are more likely to encounter an unfaithful partner.


It’s a divine law (meditate on Galatians 6:7, Job 4:8, Proverbs 22:8). One thing I have seen about relationships is that most people pretend. When you meet a new vessel in a relationship, the person tries to hide his real character.


The person pretends to be humble, obedient, spiritual, and caring. However, when you marry the person, that is when the person's true colors manifest. Do you know the number of people who have regretted their marital relationships?


Some people marry and divorce in days, weeks, and months. Sometimes, you wonder why couples spend massive sums of money to divorce a few days after marriage. It’s because the couples were pretending to be in a relationship.


Either the man or the woman was pretending. This is one reason you must not rush into a marital relationship. Know the person well because some people can pretend. You can die prematurely or become sick in a blind relationship. Know the person’s weaknesses and strengths.

  • Is the person quick-tempered?
  • Have you seen the evil in the person?
  • Do you know what provokes the person?
  • Is the person violent?
  • Does the person threaten your life?

These are a few ways to get the red flags. Knowing the heart and mind of the person prepares you for the relationship. You will know whether to engage or to disengage. Although you will not get a complete vessel, you must apply knowledge.


I encourage you to download and read my book, Wisdom Keys, subtitled Divine Keys to a Higher Life, for a more profound revelation. The book is free on my blog and youtube channel. Sometimes, the Holy Spirit can show in dreams, visions, and trance about the person you want to marry.


The Holy Spirit can reveal something about the person you want to engage. Most often, the Holy Spirit speaks in symbols. You need the knowledge of the Holy Spirit to decode dreams, visions, and trance.


I encourage you to download and read my book, Understanding the Language of the Spirit World, for a more profound revelation. The book is free on my blog and youtube channel. You can also read my series of articles, Why the Spiritual World is Important for a more profound revelation.


You will not enter a toxic relationship if you can analyze your dreams and visions and ask the Holy Spirit for interpretation. Relationships are staircases to a higher or lower height. You can become rich or poor by the person you relate with.


Everyone has a spiritual force following him. Some people are entangled in curses, ancestral powers, evil altars, and demonic strongholds. Connecting with these people without the power of the Holy Spirit can hinder your progress and the relationship.


Some people, too, have glorious covenants, godly altars, and blessings following them. Associating with these vessels can build you. Some people’s level of knowledge and understanding are lower than yours.


Connecting with these people can limit you. This is one reason you need humility and knowledge. Understand that your understanding level is not the same as your partner's. Therefore, exercise patience.


How you understand things differs from how the person understands issues. The fact that you know something does not mean that the other person knows it. Educate the person and let the person come to the level of your understanding.


Peace will prevail if you have one mind (meditate on Amos 3:3). Without wasting much time, let me share some deeper truths you must know about relationships. This truth will save your life. You will know what to do before entering a relationship.


If you are already in a relationship, you will know how to navigate the relationship after acquiring this knowledge. I encourage you to share the link to this article on all social media channels because the wisdom keys can save a life.



7 Things You Must Know Before Entering a Relationship

1. You are marrying the inner vessel

One thing you must know before entering into a relationship is that you are marrying the person’s spirit and the soul. You might think you are marrying the external beauty or body of the person.


However, a marital relationship goes beyond the body. The body is just a container. The real content is within. Like a tomb, it may look beautiful externally. However, within the tomb, there are maggots and nasty materials.


I encourage you to read the previous articles for a more profound revelation about inner beauty. Marital relationships are deep because you connect with the person's spirit, soul, and body. Let’s read from the Holy Scriptures.


…a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Genesis 2:24 KJV

When you connect with your spouse, you become one with the person. As we all know, we are tripartite beings. We are spirits with souls, and our souls live in a body (meditate on 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Hebrews 4:12, Genesis 2:7, Proverbs 20:27 or download my books, How to Walk and Live in the Spirit and The Trinity of Humankind for a more profound revelation).


The books are free on my youtube channel and blog. Anyone you engage with, you become one with the person (meditate on 1 Corinthians 6:15-17, Genesis 2:24). When you engage your partner, it’s not just the person’s body.


However, you engage the person’s mindset. The person’s ideologies, beliefs, and mindset become your philosophy when you enter a relationship. If the person is highly negative, you are likely to be negative.


If the person is evil, you are more likely to be cruel. However, if the person is righteous and possesses positive energy, you are more likely to have a righteous spirit. This is one reason: Apostle Paul wrote in Second Corinthians chapter six, verses fourteen to eighteen, that we must not be equally yoked with unbelievers.


Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

2 Corinthians 6:14-18 KJV

So, you get the point? A marital relationship will affect you. Either you become a barrier or a blessing to your partner, or your partner becomes a blessing or barrier to you. If the person you want to marry has erroneous philosophies (ideologies, mindset, and beliefs), it will affect you.


As far as you are connected to the person, the soul tie will affect you. Apply knowledge if you want to enter a relationship. Don’t fight your partner with your philosophies if you are already in a relationship.


Live by example or change your faulty mindset. The person will imitate you. Light does not fight darkness to reveal itself. As soon as the light appears, darkness leaves. You can teach the partner what you know if that person is humble. The relationship will work if you follow this path.



2. You are marrying the person's experiences

Another thing you must know before entering a relationship is that you are not just marrying the person’s body. However, you are marrying the person’s past, present, and future experiences. If that person has had toxic experiences in relationships, school, work, home, and neighborhood, the experience will manifest in the relationship.


Imagine entering a relationship with someone who has received numerous heartbreaks. Most often, such a person is likely not to trust you. Some people, too, cannot recover from their past bitter experiences, so it has become a scar.


This scar will hunt the relationship. If the person didn’t receive love and care from family and friends, it will affect the relationship. You need more knowledge to live with these people. Some people, too, passed through sexual, financial, social, emotional, spiritual, mental, technological, and physical abuse.


These abuses can affect their philosophy. Engaging these people will affect the relationship. Some people too have good experiences. It can positively impact the relationship as well.


Some people have received a series of rejections. Because of these experiences, they have problems with their self-esteem. The inferiority complex has taken over the lives of these people. Engaging these people will affect the relationship.


Some people have never experienced true love from family and friends. Because of that, they have become hardened and anti-social. Engaging with such people will affect the relationship. Some people have faced opposition from every angle in their lives, and because of that, they are violent.


The list goes on. You need special knowledge to live with these people. Become one with the Holy Spirit. You will not struggle with people who have had bitter experiences. Everyone has a history.


It can either be good or bad. The experience can determine the fall or rise of the relationship. Before you enter a relationship, enquire about your partner's past experiences. It might be sexual abuse.


Such people are more likely not to be faithful to one partner. Know the experiences of your partner. After getting the experiences of your partner, work it out. I mean, find ways to manage the experience. If it is spiritual, deal with it spiritually. Sometimes, you will need counseling, psychotherapy, and medical checkups. The relationship will stand if you work on the past and present experiences.



3. You are marrying the person's family

Any person you decide to engage in a marital relationship with has a family. That person has parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, grandparents, nephews, and friends. Do not think that you are just marrying the person.


However, you are marrying the entire family and friends of that person. You become a family when you engage in a relationship. The person's parents become your parents. The person's siblings become your siblings.


The person's friends become your friends. The person's grandparents become your grandparents. Although the nuclear family dominates in our time, we cannot ignore the extended family. Before entering a marital relationship, consider the person’s family because you are entering another family.


Scout the person’s family spiritually to know the powers and principalities controlling them. Your partner's family can engage you because you have their treasure (child). If you are already married, learn how to connect with your partner's family and friends because they are part of you.


The person’s family and friends can influence the relationship positively or negatively. Their influence on your partner can affect the relationship. If you understand the family and friends of your partner, you will know how to navigate the relationship.


However, some of your partner’s family and friends will not like you, and a few will like you. Remember, the person you want to engage did not descend from Heaven. That person came from a family. That family is your family as far as you are connected.



4. You are requesting for responsibility

One thing I have realized about married people is that they have many expenses. You might think marriage is fun. You might think you will have your wife and children and enjoy life. However, it goes beyond that.


Suppose you spend one hundred Ghana cedis a day (equivalent to seven United States dollars when writing this article). In this case, you will spend more than that if you get married. When you marry and impregnate your wife, you will start paying the bills of your wife and children.


You will start giving your wife daily, weekly, or monthly housekeeping money. You will start paying the children's school fees. Sometimes, your wife and children might have some health issues. Your duty as the father and husband is to pay these bills.


Your light, water, transport, and recycle bin will start increasing. You have to cater for your wife and children’s insecurities. Some wives and children, too, are troublesome. Sometimes, they will cause unnecessary problems.


Your duty as a husband and father is to pay these bills. A time will come when you must move to a new apartment because the family size is increasing. You must play these responsibilities if you want to enter a marital relationship.


You might think you are enjoying yourself as a single; therefore, marriage will be fun. Marriage is a world of its own. Marriage is great. However, it comes with responsibilities. You have to take care of the health, shelter, food, and other basic needs of the family as a husband and father.


Sometimes, the extended family can bring their problems to the marriage. You may be forced to cater for the extended family because of marriage. Your time, resources, and energy will be divided in marriage.


The children and wives’ emotional weakness will be your responsibility. The burden will be slightly lighter if you get a wise, responsible partner. Are you ready to enter a marital relationship? Marriage is great. However, it comes with responsibilities.



5. You will share your spirituality

Are you spiritual? “If you are spiritual, the relationship will reveal your spirituality.” This is what a brethren said to me when I was at university. You will have much time to commune and relate with the Holy Spirit in your singlehood stage.


However, the relationship will divide your time for the Holy Spirit. The person you want to engage with will need your time. Your time for prayers will be shared with your partner. How you evangelize, study the Holy Bible, fast, and pray will be divided.


If you are not established in the Spirit, your partner can break your relationship with the Holy Spirit. Think about these before entering a relationship. Marital relationships are great. However, you have a great responsibility.


In the next article, I will dissect the relationship methodologies and share the secret departments of a relationship with you. You will learn a lot from that article. I encourage you to share the link to this article on all social media platforms because the wisdom keys can save a life.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you enjoyed reading Duodu Henry Appiah-korang's article and you want more of Duodu Henry Appiah-korang’s free books, download and read them on this website. All his works are copyrighted. Click on this link to download some of his free books. Sharing the link of this article to twitter, telegram, reedit, LinkedIn, Pin interest, whatsapp and other social media handles may save a soul from destruction. Heaven’s Gate, the best website that writes and publishes life transforming books and articles: Click on this link to read Duodu Henry Appiahkorang books on Amazon.


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